The Merging of Life And Love
Create a Heart Bond
As you move through the day, the energies of life and love are constantly intertwining—shifting, merging, and often becoming indistinguishable from one another. This merging can feel magical, a seamless current of connection and presence. Yet, there are times when the two must be untangled, where the challenges of life or the fractures in love must be felt individually to uncover the source of pain and find a way forward.
In this 36-minute teaching from The Art of Sacred Intimacy, Portugal, 2024, John guides participants in distinguishing between the forces of life and love to illuminate where healing is needed. Through this process, you’ll learn how to mend what feels broken and invite the two energies to reunite, stronger and more aligned than before.
If you’re curious about how to discern the edges of life and love—how to trace the pain back to its origin and take the first steps toward healing—this teaching offers profound insight and practical guidance to begin the journey.
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