Deepening Masculine Practice Volume 1
Create a Heart Bond
In this 22-minute teaching session from the June 2022 EMLT Intensive in Beyul, Colorado, John answers questions on how to take our masculine practice deeper. As beginners, improvements come quickly. With more time “on the mat,” our gains are more incremental and often come from subtle nuances in our practice.
Specific questions covered in this video include:
• I feel out of breath during practice. How do I get more?
• Why we often struggle with breath
• Clearing the 3rd eye with breath
• Why do we even practice? What is the ROI?
• Where should I put my awareness during practice?
• Should my eyes be open or closed during practice?
• What is the best way to relax when my muscles are tense?
• How can I start to unwind patterns in my life like codependency?
• I struggle with chronic pain. How do I work with it in general and during practice?
Up Next in Create a Heart Bond
Boundless Love Caressed by Infinite C...
When we are learning a new skill, it is so easy to push, strive, and overthink. Especially if that skill is as intricate as a sacred intimacy practice with a partner. Look into their eyes. Breathe here. Squeeze that. Relax your center column. Feel out to the edges of the universe. One day all of ...
Characteristics of each of the 3 Pillars
The 3 Pillars of Sacred Intimacy