EMLT 2022 Panamint: Feeling Wider Than Fear
In this series of clips from the 2022 Embodied Men’s Leadership Training in Panamint Valley, CA the topic was the many facets of fear–where it comes from, the self-judgment many us quietly carry for having it, and the myth that we’ll ever arrive at a place where we no longer experience fear.
You’ll learn how shifting your attention from fearful thoughts, to the body and the breath, and then to awareness itself can create space or even freedom from fear in the moment. John also demonstrates how to create a powerful container that can support you in following through on that big goal or project that you keep putting off.
If you struggle with resistance and fear, if your tendency is to numb, check out, or avoid it in hopes that it goes away, this series of clips will offer new perspectives and embodied practices you can use to move through your fear and resistance.
Here are the specific clips in this series:
* Looking at the Imprint of Fear You Received
* Working with Fear In Practice and In Life
* How to Overcome Resistance and Commit to Your Goal
* What It Means to Integrate Our Masculine and Feminine
* How to Expand Your Feeling Awareness
Can you compartmentalize your pain for the sake of love?
How to work with projection and anger in your relationship
Doing a masculine relationship inventory
How to get better at discerning who to date
Doing a feminine cleanse while in relationship
Meticulous containers create a sense of safety
What if the purpose of relationship was expansion?
Questions to consider before you deeply open someone you are dating
Fear of stepping into a long-term commitment
Exploring the wounds preventing your loving dark side
Practicing after a peak experience
Amplify what you want with your awareness
I struggle with visualization
Writing the mother letter or father letter
Navigating moments when you both are triggered
Expanding your capacity to create safety
Safety in the moment, safety in relationship, and safety we can cultivate
Is my yearning pure or coming from a wound?
Trying to Be Good Enough For Your Partner
The Benefits and Structure of a Feminine Cleanse
Artfully Working with Trauma and Rage
Is Your Love Big Enough For Your Partner’s Trauma?
How Do I Unlock Suppressed Feelings?
How To Soothe Your Partner When They Are Triggered