EWRI 2022: Boone, North Carolina
This series of clips is from the final intensive of the 2022 Embodied Women’s Relationship Immersion that was held in Boone, North Carolina. The theme of this intensive was working with Spring energy, becoming a seed, and dreaming and emerging into new life. Since this was the final intensive of the 2022 program, each woman was encouraged to feel into what was next.
John offered teachings and answered questions on the importance of getting clear on what our deeper needs and nervous system limits in relationship, the feminine capacities that we all can cultivate through practice, and a simple way to heal wounds with our parents or exes.
Who this compilation is for:
The teaching sessions in these videos are suitable for practitioners at all levels.
You will learn:
* The importance of identifying your deeper needs in relationship
* How to identify what your nervous system limits are in relationship
* The paradox of taking full responsibility for your own safety
* The many feminine capacities that can be cultivated through practice
* The value of learning to blast another with love
* How “seeing the whole human” can heal your relationship with a parent or partner
If you have a question about any of the content in the Virtual Workshop, we highly encourage you to bring it to John during one of our monthly Office Hours calls that are included with your membership. You can find the dates and times of the upcoming calls here: https://www.johnwineland.com/streaming
During Times of Chaos, Anchor Into Your Heart
Unwinding Your Desire to Control
3 Elements of Masculine Practice
How Friends Can Help You Choose a Good Partner
Grounding Feeling Opening in Masculine Practice
What Are You Uniquely Qualified to Heal in Another’s Nervous System
Why Rage Can Be Addictive
How to Help a Partner Who Resists Praise
Which is More Important, Love or Compatibility?
Trying to Change Your Partner vs Offer Your Oracle
What Are Your Deepest Needs in Relationship?
Working with Jealousy in Relationship
Working with Rage as a Parent
Combining Fierceness With Devotion
The Power of Writing a Thank You Letter to Your Father
What are your real needs in relationship?
What are your nervous system limits in relationship?
Taking responsibility for your own safety
What are the feminine capacities you can cultivate?
More feminine capacities you can cultivate
Exploring the different layers of attraction
How to heal your relationship with your parents and exes