Feel, Express, Give
In this compilation of teaching sessions from the 2020 Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion, John offers in-the-moment teachings and practices to dive beyond your habitual beliefs and behaviors into a fuller expression of the truth of your heart and the pure essence within you.
It's a humbling experience to learn who you really are underneath the habits and behaviors you do to hide. By bringing awareness to these things, integrating them through embodiment, and expressing them fully, you come to discover that they all have gifts.
You'll learn:
- There is nothing wrong with having habitual beliefs. They come from your childhood programming. But you can't rise above the level that you see the world.
- You can bring more consciousness and awareness (masculine traits) to your beliefs in order to identify what drives your view of the world.
- Awareness of your body-mind leads to shifting your body-mind, which leads to creating a new neural pathway.
- You can change the way the world occurs to you, how you experience yourself, and what you magnetize, by shifting your body-mind.
- If you begin the process of shifting your body-mind, your ego will fight back because it has created an embodied persona around your habitual beliefs.
- You create beliefs to avoid deep feelings.
- Your Occurring World beliefs state how the world occurs to you right now. You can summarize these into one statement like, "They're going to abandon me."
- You can create a new Occurring World statement and walk through the world embodying that new belief, which can make quite a difference in the world. For example, "My King is dying to cherish and adore me."
- The words you use are important because they are a map to the true place in your heart that believes and can feel the possibility of your new Occurring World.
- Oftentimes, the places where your partner is not meeting you are not your true, vulnerable heart. They will not be drawn to the places where you are misaligned from your heart.
- You can love yourself by embodying that which you crave the most in love. Then, you can approach love, not from the perspective of wanting to be filled by love, but as someone who is full in the giving of love.
- To a Feminine being, if someone is rejecting your heart, they are rejecting your value.
- You have immense power over the world you create.
Feel, Express, Give - Part Two
Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...
Feel, Express, Give - Part One
Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...
Feel, Express, Give - Part Three
Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...
Feel, Express, Give - Part Four
Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...
Feel, Express, Give - Part Five
Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...
Feel, Express, Give - Part Six
Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...
Feel, Express, Give - Part Seven
Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...