Doing a masculine relationship inventory
John covers the motivation and scope of the series, who it is for and how to use it for optimal results. The three parts of this series have been broken into 7 weeks of practice with Part 1: Breath and Embodiment in Weeks 1-3, Part 2: Clarifying Your Deepest Purpose in Weeks 4-5, and Part 3: Rela...
The Charge of Sacred Masculine Leadership - Part Seven - 1st draft
The Charge of Sacred Masculine Leadership - part four - first draft
The Charge of Sacred Masculine Leadership - Part Six - final
Doing a feminine cleanse while in relationship
Navigating moments when you both are triggered
Is my yearning pure or coming from a wound?
Looking at the Imprint of Fear You Received
How to Expand Your Feeling Awareness
Artfully Working with Trauma and Rage
Working With Fear In Practice and In Life
The Art of Liberating the Feminine and Masculine in Relationship • Part Five
In this compilation of teaching sessions from the 2021 Embodied Men's Leadership Training, John offers in-the-moment teachings, yogic approaches and practices for the Masculine on how to lean into their most important edges and how to offer love in the ways their partners crave it most.
Amplify what you want with your awareness
Exploring the wounds preventing your loving dark side
How To Soothe Your Partner When They Are Triggered
Is Your Love Big Enough For Your Partner’s Trauma?
How to get better at discerning who to date
Can you compartmentalize your pain for the sake of love?
The Benefits and Structure of a Feminine Cleanse
Safety in the moment, safety in relationship, and safety we can cultivate
A Conversation with John Wineland and Stefanos Sifandos
If you want to deepen as a coach or become a more impactful teacher, this video is for you. John and Stefanos Sifandos share their nuanced wisdom on what makes a good coach, questions that reveal the shadows you may unknowingly be bringing to your clients, tangible ways to inspire more trust, and...
Trying to Be Good Enough For Your Partner
Writing the mother letter or father letter