Liberating Love

Liberating Love

In this compilation of teaching sessions from the 2020 Depth & Devotion program, a 90-day Virtual Experience in the Art of Sacred Intimacy, John describes how embodiment practice is the key to shifting your karma and liberating more love in your relationships.

You'll learn:
- how karma lives in the body as body-mind habits formed through childhood programming
- when we move through the process of liberating our past into a new experience, we are moving from our karma (our past) to some kind of dharma (consciousness & love)
- this process must happen through the body
- your destiny is dependent on your capacity to wire new neural pathways
- consistent practice is important because karmic momentum is very strong
- you can only become an artist of love by continuing to create new possibilities of love
- embodiment practice done regularly, even for a brief time, will physiologically change you
- if you want to see your karma in action, look at your excuses and complaints
- changing your own karma shifts your lineage so that your children don't have to carry the karma of your family
- how the integration of the masculine and feminine shows up in nature
- how this natural integration shows up in our own bodies as sacred love
- the importance of taking responsibility for self-nourishment as a parent so that you can give love to your children
- a practice for feeling into your life from your own sacred masculine and making decisions from there
- the feminine needs a structure greater than their resistance in order to move through it
- a tantric practice for breathing in everything in your life that you are resisting and being with it fully as a "Yes"
- praise is recognizing the humanity in another human being
- the feminine in all of us wants to be seen and acknowledged for their radiance
- the masculine in all of us wants to be seen and acknowledged for their what they do or how they're being in the world
- praise is one of the most important practices you can master in relationship
- worship is recognizing and being in awe of the divine in another human being
- how you can worship the essence of another human being
- love is a completely self-generated possibility available moment-to-moment
- making love artful in every moment is the biggest piece of self-responsibility that we can imagine
- what you want most deeply - your true heart's desire - is a gift to yourself, the world, and everybody who wants to love you
- the things that stop you from getting your true heart's desire are generally things that were not your fault, and were passed down through your childhood
- self-expression is a muscle that needs to be exercised
- part of the artistry of love is learning to express through your heart and body
- the differences between selfish, healthy and sacred relating
- how complaining is a selfish way of quenching a desire that is not being met
- how healthy relating honors what both partners need
- how you can express your desire as an artful expression of what love wants in the moment
- how expressing a desire as love evokes more consciousness in the moment
- how expressing tears and "messiness" can be a gift to the Masculine

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Liberating Love
  • Liberating Love - Part Two

    You and your partner are becoming bored with playing out the same relational and intimate dynamics and you want to open the floodgates for infinite love and electric attraction between you. Perhaps you’re familiar with embodiment and masculine/feminine energetics, but you need a beginner’s lesson...

  • Liberating Love - Part One

    You and your partner are becoming bored with playing out the same relational and intimate dynamics and you want to open the floodgates for infinite love and electric attraction between you. Perhaps you’re familiar with embodiment and masculine/feminine energetics, but you need a beginner’s lesson...

  • Liberating Love - Part Three

    You and your partner are becoming bored with playing out the same relational and intimate dynamics and you want to open the floodgates for infinite love and electric attraction between you. Perhaps you’re familiar with embodiment and masculine/feminine energetics, but you need a beginner’s lesson...

  • Liberating Love - Part Four

    You and your partner are becoming bored with playing out the same relational and intimate dynamics and you want to open the floodgates for infinite love and electric attraction between you. Perhaps you’re familiar with embodiment and masculine/feminine energetics, but you need a beginner’s lesson...