Cultivating Feminine Energetic Capacity • Part Three: Devotion and Darkness
{Partner Practice} Cultivating Feminine Energetic Capacity
You have been exploring feminine practice for some time and you are beginning to integrate your feminine expression in your life. Now you want to take it to the next level by expanding your feminine range, and you are aware of the depth of practice that can come through the reflection and encouragement of a partner.
In this three-part feminine partner practice, John will guide you to expand your feminine expression as lover/warrior (part 1), pleasure/yearning (part 2), and devotion/darkness (part 3). While you don’t have to do all three practices in one session, we recommend that you practice them in order.
If you want to expand your feminine range through the reflection and support of a fellow practitioner, dive into this three-part practice.
This energy combination is about bringing dark erotic energy through your devotion to depth.
Sit once again and switch Masculine and Feminine roles.
Masculine partner, you are leading the practice by grounding, pressing down into the earth through the soles of your feet, and wrapping your Feminine partner with your body and awareness.
Both partners, sync up your breath.
Feminine partner, this may mean that you'll need to amplify your breath so that it can be seen by your Masculine partner.
Masculine partner, do your best to deepen your breathing and lead the breath for both of you.
Both partners, press the root of your hearts down into the earth, letting it spread like a tree's root system.
Feminine partner, building on what you've worked on so far in this practice, first let the Love that is without history come through your body. Let your eyes and throat soften. Let your heart swell up with the Infinite Love that is available to you. Then begin to feel how that Love wants to be expressed as Pleasure as a gift to the partner in front of you.
Masculine partner, looking into your Feminine partner's eyes, breathing with them, and wrapping them with your awareness, feel that deep, still, core, infinite place in your heart.
Feminine partner, as you feel your Masculine partner connect to the depth of consciousness at their core, find the part of you that is devotional to that depth of infinite stillness in front of you. Feel how your heart wants to give everything to Consciousness. Feel the part of your heart that wants to surrender to the Infinite, not to a specific man or person. Feel all Masculine beings through the Infinite in the Masculine in front of you. Or feel the part of your heart that wants to devote to Love itself. Find the part of you that worships as an offering to Love. Let your Devotional Heart begin to express through your movement and your breath. Let this worship be your pleasure. Let your eyes be filled with, "I worship you."
Masculine partner, as you receive this energy, drop deeper into the still, empty core of your heart and receive it from that place.
Feminine partner, now add to this worship practice, the part of you that is Dark Lover or Dark Seductress. Feel how Devotion and Darkness coexist in your body—through your eyes, your sounds, your lips, your throat...
Masculine partner, as they bring this to you, keep breathing deeper and dropping into the infinite stillness in the core of your heart, grounding your legs, sacrum, and breath. If you feel inspired, you can smile and say, "Just like that." Then command your Feminine partner from this place: "More Darkness" or "Darker," "More Devotion," and "Yes. Just like that."
Feminine partner, if your Masculine partner asks for more Darkness, find the naughtiest and most taboo part of you and let that come through your heart and body as Devotion to Love, Devotion to Consciousness.
Masculine partner, hold them there, from the ground that you are. Find that part of you that would command your Feminine partner into complete surrender. You are training them to give it all.
After several minutes, Feminine partner, bring your practice into the subtle without losing it completely. Let yourself be seen and loved in your Dark Devotion.
Masculine partner, you may have to help your Feminine partner to their seat. Then take 1 minute to describe what opened you and what was beautiful and enlivening about their practice.
Feminine partner, taking the feedback that you received, amplify that Darkly Devotional part of you and let that be expressed and seen through your breath and your eyes for 15 seconds.
Then slowly switch roles.
New Feminine partner, allow your body to feel good as you reconnect to the Love that you are without any history. Feel the Infinite Love all around you that wants to pulse through your heart and let that Love be the Pleasure that you have to move through your body. "I have to give this to the world. This is too great a gift for me to keep to myself."
New Masculine partner, as your Feminine partner is doing this, deepen your breath and connect to the deep, still core of your heart, the part of your heart that is infinitely empty. Feel the seed of consciousness in the core of your heart. Breathe with them, wrap your heart around them, soften your jaw, and soften your gaze, like you are looking through them and into a deep forest.
Feminine partner, as your Masculine partner deepens and gets more conscious, feel the part of you that is devotional to depth, truth, the Infinite, and Love. Let that Devotion to Consciousness mingle with the Pleasure and Love without history through your body. So it is all one artistic expression. Let this gift be your offering to the world. Let the sounds that come through your throat be a song of this gift.
Masculine partner, if what you are seeing is beautiful, you can say, "Yes. Just like that." Keep dropping into the still, open, infinite, empty space at the center of your heart. Let your sacrum root into the earth, breathe, and wrap your Feminine partner. Let your nervous system hold all of this Devotion, Love, and energy bursting from your partner, like a sun or volcano of Pleasure.
Feminine partner, bring the part of you that is Darkness through your Devotion to Consciousness—the part of you that wants to be pinned, taken, eviscerated, obliterated, or ripped open. Dark Devotion.
Masculine partner, keep breathing, grounding, and dropping into the depth of your heart. Then demand, as if they have to do anything that you ask, "More Darkness," "More Devotion." And when they find that perfect blend, "Yes. Just like that." Feel the part of you that could command the Feminine completely. Don't let them drift.
Feminine partner, feel as if you can't hold back anymore how dark you want to be taken, how deeply you want to be ravished, and how much you want to be filled, and let it mingle with the Devotion and the Pleasure that you are, as a gift. Then, after several minutes, slowly, without losing the practice, allow your Masculine partner to help you back to your seat. Let yourself be held. Subtly hold the part of you that is Dark Devotion. Let your Masculine partner feel it at 20%.
Masculine partner, take 1 minute to express what was beautiful about your Feminine partner's practice.
Feminine partner, for 15 seconds, taking the feedback that you just received, as if you have a dial at the center of your heart, begin to dial up that Dark Devotion and let the Love that you are be expressed by the Pleasure that you have. Leave this practice knowing that you are in control of this—you can turn this up and give it as a gift whenever you want. This belongs to nobody but you. You decide when to bring this and how much of it to bring. All of these practices are the essence of you.
Spend the last few moments of the practice in deep reverence of each other, recognizing each other's courage, vulnerability, beauty, depth, and willingness to demand the best that you have to give. Then give each other a bow to close the practice.
Music: "Dolphin" by Gabrielle Roth & the Mirrors
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.