Embodied Wisdom: Unraveling Triggers Beyond The Story
Trigger, story, body sensation. These three factors are linked, and yet separate. Oftentimes when we are triggered by an external force, we move directly into the story. However, when you are able to pause in the space between the trigger and the story, you can begin to feel the sensations of your body. And it is that body sensation that can guide us towards the deeper truth of the trigger so you can begin to unwind it.
Trigger, story, and the body's sensations — a dance of interconnectedness and sovereignty. When an external force ignites our triggers, our instinct often propels us straight into the narrative. But what if we pause for a moment? Within that delicate pause lies a profound opportunity to attune to the subtle whispers of our bodies sensations. We can begin to feel what is happening in our body and this acts as a guide towards the deeper truth of the trigger so we can begin to unwind it.
In this 35-minute compilation, from EMLT (The Embodied Mens Leadership Training), March 2023, John guides the men to find the body sensation associated with their trigger, rather than habitually moving into story.
If you’re looking to learn more about the connection between triggers and body sensation, this compilation will provide you with insights and examples. Step out of the story and into your body so that you can begin to alchemize your triggers into truth.