Community Practice Call: Creating the Body Electric, November 26th
1h 27m
What creates vitality/aliveness in us?
Start with a practice - 1. Grinding of the perineum on the seat. 2. Reed breath with rock.
Group question - what are your tried and true methods for creating vitality in your body?
How would you rate yourself in terms of your vitality 1-10?
How do you know when you are feeling vital? What happens to you?
Is it possible to be relaxed and vital?
Nature gives us cues on what it is to be relaxed and alert/vital.
Can you sit in both? Can you increase both simultaneously?
There are two other ways to create aliveness: Both involve truth.
1. Feeling. The truth of how we're feeling, really. Give it sound and movement and allow it to express. You're alive because something is living through you. You don't will your heart to beat or the lungs to. breathe. It's just happening. Allow yourself to. feel that something creates vitality. 2. Awareness of what is true. In your behaviour, your patterning, and your belief system.
1. Living in a place where there doesn't seem to be present grounded men, and there is a lack of flirtation. Can you feel this energy without there being someone else involved in the exchange?
2. Interested in the dark masculine. Where to start?
3. Controlling in Love. How to shift the pattern?
4. Vulnerability as a man. How to bring this and how to blend different energetics?
5. Calling vs. demanding more from your partner. How to become an artist?
6. He feels that his partner is withholding and not fully expressing herself. What to do?