Office Hours Group Call: March 4th
1h 35m
Patterns - what it actually takes to address our patterns in relationship. What happens in your system (body) when the pattern gets triggered? Work to identify the shape you take when you’re in pattern (this is the yogic thread). You can’t respond the same way to the pattern in a different body (shape). How do we identify the core wound that created the pattern? This is warriors work.
What is the pattern that creates the predetermined outcome. The pattern is our karma. If we do the same things over and over it’s a predetermined destiny. The way the pattern manifests in us.
Change the karma - respond differently or access something deeper.
1. Feels that he has lost himself in relationship while navigating the challenges of trauma that his partner carries.
Recognize the pattern between them and recognize the boundary and enforce it.
You can’t be her everything and that’s ok.
Let’s not let the pattern win. Let’s let love win.
2. How to spread her message.
People pay for structure.
Create something that they can show up to consistently.
Put things in the calendar that inspires you. If you’re inspired, they will be inspired.
3. Inquiry about occurring world vs beliefs
Occurring world begins when your a child based on how the world occurs to them.
How do you shift your occurring world - flip it’s on it’s head to create a new groove, a new experience.
The body knows - when your nervous system opens, you know you’re on to something.
How does it feel to own it in front of someone else?
4. How to live with her partner when he is uncertain. How to navigate this?
Security comes through someone the way they are.
5. Entering a new relationship - words of wisdom?
Focus on repair.
6. Following up from last months advice in clearing what has lingered from a past relationship.
Unhook and close the door. Sometimes it’s available and sometimes it’s not.
7. Finding the energetic balance within a relationship. How to continue to thrive in a space a positive masculine and feminine energetics.
Let it flow and feel the spectrum. You can each embody it and be able to drop into the pole that is needed in the moment.
Modern relationships are fluid.
8. Update from last month - asking each other what age they are when they fall into trigger.
How to shift more into the masculine as he is often in his feminine.
Whoever is more still in a moment is owning the masculine pole.
How can we be more in a dynamic flow rather than assigning a pole to one person.
Not ever something you have to do to be more lovable. It’s a gift you can develop to nourish your partner.