Revealing Pleasure, Yearning, and Your Deep Heart's Truth
As a woman, you may find that your Feminine energy feels like a lot more than you or anyone you love can hold. Whether it’s pleasure, desire, anguish, fear, grief, or love, you may fear to fully express it at the risk of being “too much.” You want to let your Feminine truth flow, but you don’t know how without a strong Masculine container.
This Feminine practice, led by Erin Kinney, Ali Kegley Kole, and Nicholette Routhier for the 2020 Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion, guides you through a solo pleasure practice with the Divine Masculine that includes releasing and shaking anything that is stuck, connecting to the root of your heart and the pulse of the earth, moving with pleasure and yearning, opening as an invitation to be loved, met and penetrated by the depth, presence and consciousness of the Divine Masculine, and then revealing your heart's truth through your body in response to their sacred demand for all of you. This is a powerful practice for bringing your fullest expression while being held and loved in the deepest way.
If you want to create a strong Masculine container to bring the fullness of your wild Feminine expression, begin with this 58-minute practice.
Set aside an uninterrupted period of time in which you can stay in practice the entire time. Prior to your practice, prepare a comfortable and private practice space, such as a mat, rug or sheepskin, that will allow you to relax and move your body freely with your eyes closed.
Before the practice, Nicholette and Ali describe a "pelvic rock" that you will do later in the practice. You can try this lying down on your back with your feet flat on the ground. As you inhale and your belly puffs out, form an arch in your back and allow your sacrum to tip. As you exhale and round your spine, there is a slight pelvic thrust. As if your spine is a pearl necklace spilling out across the floor, roll your spine up and down each vertebra down to your tail. Curl your pubic bone in and then let it roll down as you rock the bowl of your pelvis. After you have tried this for a few minutes, find your way to standing on your own time.
Once standing, close your eyes. You will then begin to "clear out the pipes." Shake, shimmy, and call on volcanic energy and the energy of a rushing river to shake up anything that is stuck or that you want to let go. Take a few minutes to shake, bounce up and down, and use your breath, movement and sound to move the energy within you.
Then close your eyes, find some stillness, connect to your breath and notice if you are more open and available to the moment. Feel your feet on the earth and bring a special awareness to your heart. Connect to the root of your heart. Where does the root of your heart live in you?
Imagine this root growing down through your belly, through your womb, and down into the earth. Maybe you even notice a gentle undulation through your spine as this root begins to grow. Feel the weight of it. What does the weight of the root of your heart feel like in your body? What does the texture feel like? How do you know if you're connected to the root of your own unique heart?
Slowly allow that root to begin to move you a little. If everything you did for the rest of the day came from the root of your heart, what sounds might you make? How might you move? What would be the quality of your breath?
Then find something that feels good in your body, and slowly, being moved by the root of your heart, make your way closer to the earth and come into a Cat Cow movement. Do this in your own way, however feels good, and at your own pace. While staying connected to the root of your heart, begin to feel the pulse of the earth through the connection of your hands and legs on the floor. How does the pulse of the earth move through you? Maybe through a gentle undulation? Maybe through a sense of relief or opening? There's nothing too small or too much.
Whatever feels good in this moment, bring more breath to it, amplifying it through your body while staying connected to the root of your heart. How does the pulse of love with no history move through you? Again, notice how it is that you know when you are connected to the root of your heart. The weight. The texture.
Let your attention wander to what feels good in your pelvis below your neck, your waist. Find the curve of pleasure in your thighs. Let your curves and the energy of pleasure begin to take you on a ride. Maybe this slows you down. Maybe you give a little shake or bounce. Maybe you toss your hair. As you drop into the pleasure that is always there, give yourself permission to get messy. How could you call pleasure in or give it out?
Let your breath open more space between your ribs. And your thighs. Let pleasure do you as much as you do it. What if you didn't have to do anything? How would pleasure move you? Would it circle your hips? Open your mouth? Pull your tongue out as if you could lick pleasure like an ice cream cone?
Maybe your touch is drawn to your own belly or throat. Or you find that the sole of one foot wants to flirt with the sole of the other. What kind of love bath might your body invite from your own fingers?
If you are squeezing or tensing anything, maybe give an intentional squeeze and then relax to see what happens.
Then let yourself begin to find pleasure in yearning. Feel the pleasure that you yearn for. No matter what, the Feminine always craves more. Let your heart, your hips, and your throat be full of pleasure and yet, yearn and crave more. Let your curves call, "More. Fill me." Let the yearning for more become the most pleasurable, magnetic call your body can emit. Let yourself be filled, moved, and pleasured by your own endless, aching yearn. Let this part of yourself grow and fill every inch of the space around you. Let emotion overflow as your truth. Let it be as big or as subtle as feels true for you. Let the ache be sweet, deep, and endless.
Feeling all that you have stirred, gently, and taking as long as it takes, find your way down to your back on the floor. Moving from and with pleasure, connect with the pulse of pleasure and the pulse of your own heartbeat. Let yourself begin to pulse with the earth herself.
Then begin to find the Tantric Rose breath. Inhale through pursed lips as if through a straw, and exhale through a gentle "O" mouth as if you are fogging up a mirror. Inhale deep into your belly, and as you exhale, feel your heart begin to soften and blossom open like the petals of a rose. Allow the inhalation and exhalation to soften the entire central column of your body. Your heart. Solar plexus. Belly. The space between your hip bones. It's as if your entire body could flower open to receive more love.
Then bend your knees, letting your feet stand flat on the floor and when you are ready, begin the pelvic rock in concert with your breath—inhaling and arching your back; exhaling, rounding your spine and giving a slight pelvic thrust. Continue the yoga of the Tantric Rose breath and pelvic rock throughout the duration of the practice.
On the exhale, let your jaw relax open. Relax your heart, your solar plexus and your cervix, and allow the root of your heart, which is blossoming open, to begin to drip down a warm, soothing nectar, nourishing your central column down to your cervix; lubricating the core flute of your body. Feel pleasure from the inside out. Pleasure is the expression of the massive amount of love that you are. Start to allow that pleasure to express on your exhales with a sound.
As you do this, feel your entire central column blooming open. Your throat. Your heart. Your solar plexus. Your womb. Your cervix. Become an invitation for more love. With every rock, every inhale, every exhale, and every thrust, you are blossoming and blooming open as an invitation for love.
Keeping your eyes closed, begin to visualize the most conscious, Divine Masculine appearing and standing in front of you. Maybe it's the Lord Shiva. Maybe it's your partner or a former partner. Maybe it's an angel. Maybe they even take an animal form, like a bear or lion. Whatever comes, let that be true and really see them in front of you.
Receive their gaze. Feel their love, their presence, their depth penetrating you. Relaxing and opening the central column of your body, become an invitation for that perfect presence. Let that depth flow right into you, receiving it fully. Feel their consciousness pressing into you, like their belly is pressing into your belly. Let yourself be pinned by their presence. Feel them demanding your surrender with their gaze. What can you relax and open even more to invite in this love, this presence that you've always desired?
Then, if you so desire, begin to invite this Divine Masculine to very slowly and very gently enter you from the root of your body, allowing that presence to penetrate you, fill you. Relax your root to invite this Divine Masculine in.
With every breath, consciousness fills you a little bit more. Into your womb. And up your central column. With your breath and your pleasure, receive this divine presence, this depth, up to your solar plexus. Then feel it penetrating the root of your heart. All the way up to your throat. Maybe even through to the crown of your head.
Feel how this presence is a demand for more of you. Let your body respond to this presence. Amplify your heart's truth exactly as you are. Give it to this divine, loving presence that wants all of you. Give them all of your fear. All of your doubt. Your grief. Your yearning. Your loneliness. Your rage. Even your mistrust and your resistance. Whatever is true, let them penetrate it as they press their consciousness into you, loving all of you. There is absolutely no history here. There is only this moment.
Let them give you their most perfect attention. Let them hold you and keep you safe. Be an invitation for their unconditional love and their demand for all of you. Feel them ravishing you with their presence. With their love. Open and receive all of this with pleasure. Clearing and cleansing from the inside out, become a geyser or a volcano and let everything moving through you to flow out.
Imagine that this Divine Masculine is saying, "I love you. I want all of you. All of your surrender. All of your fear. All of your imperfection. All of your resistance. I want all of it. Yes. Don't hold back from me, my love." Demanding every inch of you in the way you always wanted. Allow yourself to be completely taken. Be an invitation for everything you've always wanted in the exact way you've always wanted it.
Then, very gently, your Divine Masculine will begin to step back. As they do, stay with their gaze and make a commitment, "I will reveal my truth. I will reveal all of me."
Their commitment is to love all of you. Your commitment is to reveal all of you.
As they begin to fade away, feel how they are always with you. Consciousness is always with you.
Feel the massive rock of the earth beneath your spine right now. Feel the walls around you. Feel gravity. Your own Masculine. Holding you. Protecting you. Let yourself be held.
Always held. Always loved. Always safe.
Then bringing your hands to your heart, holding your own heart, breathe whatever is true for you in this moment into the rich root of your heart. Make a promise to yourself, "I will reveal exactly what is true, exactly as I am." Anything you want to bring from your practice into your life, call it into your heart right now and ground that desire, intention, gift into the root of your heart.
"Ceremony of Passage" by Vas
"Don't Disconnect" by Sarah Jaffe
"After All is Said and Done" by Junip
"Ai Du" by Ali Farka Toure with Ry Cooder
"With or Without You" by April Meservy and Aaron Edson
"Tabla Breath" by Benjy Wertheimer and John De Kadt
"Dolphin" by Gabrielle Roth & the Mirrors
"I'm Not Going Anywhere" by David Ramirez
"Devi Prayer" by Craig Pruess & Ananda
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.