From the Depths of Your Blue Sky Heart - Part One
You feel inspired by the work of embodiment, polarity, and masculine/feminine energetics, but you are unsure how to integrate it into your life.
In this compilation of teaching sessions from the 2020 Advance Practice Group, John describes ways to deepen your practice through the fullness of life's experiences, including challenge, fear, pain and uncertainty.
If you want to integrate your practice into the fullness of your life, this comprehensive 4-video compilation will cover a lot of ground to help guide you in the right direction.
You'll learn:
- practices for deepening the experience of being alone or in quarantine
- how you can set-up intentional spaces for you and your partner while in close quarters
- it's difficult to create polarity when you do a lot of the same things together
- it takes creativity, commitment and discipline to develop completely separate rituals and behavior
- how the masculine can be intentional about connection with their feminine partner while in single-minded focus "work mode"
- how the feminine can practice fluidly moving from masculine to feminine energies throughout the day
- the distinction between structure being a framework for love or consciousness vs a rigid ideal
- how a masculine partner can support their feminine partner in returning consciously to the love that they are
- how a feminine partner can create their own rituals to return to the love that they are
- how the feminine can practice from and as the truth of their heart, rather than by getting over the truth of their heart
- a practice for feeling and expressing the moment-to-moment truth of your heart
- a mini Tonglen practice for being a Yes to whatever you are resisting
- classic tantra is about being a Yes to what is
- the masculine gift is to bring consciousness to help take your feminine partner deeper into her heart; it's important that this is brought without any agenda
- a practice to hold and feel your own deep loneliness
- you can't make a connection with other until you are fully connected with self
- after you've been with your own heart and felt your emotions fully, you will have an impulse of inspiration
- a detailed description of the a selfish, healthy and sacred ways of relating, as adapted from David Deida's famous framework, and how they show up in every relationship
- sacred expression is the full-body expression of a desire without attachment to receiving it
- turning up the desire in your body while simultaneously releasing attachment is not easy practice
- we want to find a way to feel a desire and offer it as a gift
- no matter what is going on in the world, we are responsible for the purity of our heart, the cleanliness of our energy, and the strength of our intention, moment-to-moment
- part of the work of a Warrior of Love is to continually recommit & that will be the measure of the quality of our life and relationships
- emotional and spiritual maturity in relationship and life is the capacity to make our responses voluntary
- this requires becoming aware of the involuntary responses & reactions that come from our childhood programming
- our bodies are a reflection of the subconscious
- the value in creating a practice community that is committed to calling out the most highly expressed versions of each other
- wholeness requires an integrated masculine and feminine
- the arc of practice to identify, amplify, embody, and integrate our masculine (awareness/consciousness) and feminine (capacity to feel)
- without consistent practice, we are destined to live the habit of our body-minds
- other people can feel if we're expressing with love, which is why we create a feedback loop through relationship
- the practice is training our bodies to be a transmission of love and consciousness and constantly refining
- when you express your heart's truth to another, you need to have enough awareness to know what they can take
- why we have to train the muscle of giving
- masculine leadership is about holding a tether to consciousness, and then from consciousness, deciding the next right action or the next right path
- masculine leadership is more single-minded and calculating while feminine leadership is more consensus & team-based
- ultimately, we want to be tethered to both the deepest part of our heart and consciousness itself, and calibrate from there as we move forward into the world
- how you can apply masculine and feminine principles to your business
- how you can approach a cleanse from the masculine or feminine in order to cultivate a loving container for yourself
- how to approach this work if you have a history of trauma
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this video to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this video intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this video cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this video.