Heart Invitation, Heart Penetration
You and your partner want to create more passion and electric attraction in your relationship. You are interested in delving into Masculine and Feminine polarity, but you are in search of a foundational jumping off point.
In this practice John led for virtual participants of the June 2020 Art of Spiritual Intimacy Online Weekend Immersion, you and your partner will practice the arts of Masculine and Feminine polarity. You’ll learn the baseline practices for cultivating polarity and opening your partner to deeper, fiercer love.
If you want to build more confidence embodying the Masculine and Feminine to create an immediate magnetism in your sexual dynamic, start with this 31-minute practice.
Begin seated knee-to-knee facing your partner. Both partners, point to your own left eye and once you see your partner's left eye, lower your hand. Then start to gaze into each other's left eyes. Feel beyond any thoughts that arise, and into the eyes of your partner. Look through the surface of their eyes and deeper into their heart.
Then expand your breath deep into your lower abdomen. Feminine partner, you may have to expand your breath more than usual, so that your Masculine partner can see and match it. Masculine partner, you will match their breath while filling your own belly with breath. When the Feminine partner inhales, the Masculine partner inhales. When the Feminine partner exhales, the Masculine partner exhales. It's almost as if the Masculine partner is breathing for the Feminine partner.
Both of you, begin to consciously soften, beginning with your lower abdomen. Let your belly become soft and full. Then let your solar plexus become soft and full. Then your heart. And then your throat. Continue to feel deeper than the surface of your partner and into the unique human being in front of you.
Masculine partner, you're going to hold the posture of depth and structure, and continue to bring the breath. It's as if you are holding and wrapping your Feminine partner with awareness, filling their body with breath, and touching their heart with your heart.
Feminine partner, find something in the moment that feels good, nourishing and trustable, and allow your heart to relax open with that. Find a part of you that is a Yes to this moment and let that Yes show through your eyes. Focus on that which is trustable in your partner.
Then, feeling your Masculine partner's consciousness, depth, and desire to see you completely, begin to become more of an invitation through your body. Allow your shoulders to fall down and back. And with your energy body, fall to the back line of your physical body. Feel your heart fall to the back of your chest and expose itself. Feel the part of you that is yearning to be seen, known and penetrated with consciousness.
Allow yourself to fall back and invite in more consciousness to penetrate you. What if your throat became more of an invitation - what might that look like? What if your belly became more of an invitation - what might that feel like? What would it feel like to let your shoulders express an invitation - how might they move? How might your hips rock? How could your lips and eyes be more of an invitation? Let your heart bloom open like a flower and allow your Masculine partner to feel deep inside you.
Masculine partner, as your Feminine partner invites you deeper, penetrate them with your gaze as consciousness and love. Be a Yes with your breath and gaze. Feel what's beautiful about what they're giving you and be a Yes to it. Stay firm like a rock or tree, breathing them.
Feminine partner, amplify your shoulders to express devotion to love. How might they move, open or roll? Imagine that this invitation is a sacrifice to love itself. Let your solar plexus and belly be an offering to love. Then through your eyes, show your Masculine partner your yearning for love; your yearning to be seen and known. Let your partner feel it - "I'm aching to be seen. I'm aching to be felt. Please know me."
Masculine partner, as your Feminine partner begins to open up more, let them feel the part of you that would kill to keep them safe. In addition to being a Yes, bring fierceness through your gaze, breath and posture - that you would do anything to keep them safe; you might kill or even give your own life.
Feminine partner, as you feel this part of your Masculine partner that would do anything to keep you safe, see if you can reveal even a little bit more of the yearning. Make the sound of that ache; that yearning. Let your hips feel hungry for more depth and consciousness. Make your body an invitation for more. You might even say the word "More," as an invitation, almost as if you are begging for more.
Masculine partner, as you receive this invitation for more, breathe deeper and continue to match their breath. Stay grounded. Don't lean forward, but instead, penetrate them with your heart. Press your center column of consciousness - from root to crown - into your Feminine partner.
Feminine partner, through this body of invitation, bring the part of you that is fierce. The Goddess Kali. Don't project it forward. Feel the Warrior through your body and open wide as Kali. Make a sound. Let your Masculine partner feel your invitation as Warrior. "Love me if you dare." Masculine partner, raise your right hand if your Feminine partner can bring more of their fierce Warrior.
Then let that Warrior practice relax. Masculine partner, through your eyes and breath, show your Feminine partner that you are a Yes to whatever they brought you. Then one final time, Feminine partner, bring the ache for more. Masculine partner, through your eyes, be a Yes to their desire for more - More consciousness. More depth.
Feminine partner, let your Masculine partner feel the part of you that needs them. Let your eyes say, "I need you." Let your body be an expression of "I need you." Then Masculine partner, let your eyes and breath say, "I want you to need me."
Relax that practice and be with each other from a place of deep reverence and appreciation. Honor that your partner did their best. Let them feel "Thank you" through your eyes. Then offer a heartfelt expression of gratitude through your body - Feminine partner first, followed by the Masculine partner.
Then place your right hand on your heart and close your eyes. Feel some part of this practice that you want to take into the next time you make love. You will both complete this practice by brushing down your body to clear any cords of connection, and close with the exclamation, "I set you free!"
Music: "Dolphin" by Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.