Heart Warrior
You and your partner are ready to cultivate a deeper connection, more polarity, and expand your range of expression with one another. You want to experiment with bringing new, powerful energetics to your intimate relationship, but you aren’t sure where to start.
In this partner practice, you will experience gifting your partner with embodied fierce love. It’s a perfect practice for a couple delving into embodiment and masculine/feminine polarity for the first time. It was recorded live as John led the practice for a room full of people new to the world of sexual polarity at the Assemblage Nomad in New York for the June 2019 workshop: The Discerning Dick Presents "Spiritual Intimacy and Yogic Sexuality with John Wineland."
If you’re ready to expand your capacity for love through embodied masculine/feminine polarity, start with this 35-minute practice.
One of you will animate the masculine and the other will animate the feminine, so decide which role you will each take before beginning the practice. Partners of any gender or sexual orientation can do this practice and take either role, whether aligned with your essence or not.
Begin by standing facing one another with your arms to your sides. Each partner, point to your left eye. You will both look into this eye, the receptive eye, for the duration of the practice.
If you are practicing the feminine, notice what feels good and move slightly to amplify that pleasure in your body.
If you are practicing in the masculine, feel your feet penetrating the earth 100 miles down and connect to your breath, grounding your body. Your "job" is to deepen, ground and be witness to your feminine partner.
In the first minute of the practice, you will get to know one another in this open, deep, and non-verbal way.
As the practice continues, one of you will be Partner A and the other will be Partner B. Either the Masculine or Feminine Partner can be Partner A. Partner B will continue to observe Partner A from the open, neutral place you're in right now.
Partner A/Feminine Partner: Find the part of your heart that is infinitely capable of love. Then start to reveal what is happening in your heart right now, whether it's fear, shyness, tenderness, grief, joy, desire etc., and let love flow through the revealing. "Here's my xxx (...fear, grief, desire...) and I love you." Even if you barely know your partner, find a part of them that you can love right now. Allow your heart energy to move through your eyes and your body. Then bring this with fierce love, with your Warrioress. What are you a stand for?
Partner A/Masculine Partner: Practice being a fierce demand for your partner's heart. Show your partner the part of yourself that would kill to keep your partner safe. Bring your fierce Warrior for the sake of love.
Partner B/The Masculine or Feminine Witness: Breathe with your partner. After a few minutes, you can say, "Yes" or "More." Hold up your hand if the fierceness feels like too much, or if your partner disconnects from their heart, and be an invitation for them to return to the loving connection you found at the beginning of the practice.
As the practice continues, Partner B, you will give the feedback, "More Warrior/Warrioress" or "More Lover," requesting one or the other every 30 seconds. Partner A, you will give them more of whatever they ask for, but do so by widening, rather than projecting the energy directly at your partner.
Then, slowly, turn down the practice back into the subtle before switching roles. Practice giving more love through your body than you ever have with awe. Call out the best in your partner through the perfect blend of Warrior and Lover through your body.
Offer one another a bow to close the practice.
You will end this practice by offering feedback to one another using these sentence stems: "What I loved about that was..." and "What I would've wanted more of was..."
For more teaching and context from John about this practice, we recommend watching the video, “A Fierce Demand, a Fully Expressed Invitation,” which is a compilation of teaching sessions from the same June 2019 Workshop.
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.