Cultivating Feminine Energetic Capacity • Part One: Lover and Warrior
You have been exploring feminine practice for some time and you are beginning to integrate your feminine expression in your life. Now you want to take it to the next level by expanding your feminine range, and you are aware of the depth of practice that can come through the reflection and encouragement of a partner.
In this three-part feminine partner practice, John will guide you to expand your feminine expression as lover/warrior (part 1), pleasure/yearning (part 2), and devotion/darkness (part 3). While you don’t have to do all three practices in one session, we recommend that you practice them in order.
If you want to expand your feminine range through the reflection and support of a fellow practitioner, dive into this three-part practice.
Sit facing your partner. Make sure the front of your body is open and available, so you are not crossing your arms or legs in front of you. Point to your left eye. This will be the eye that both of you will focus on throughout the practice. Then look into each other's eyes and connect human-to-human. Take some nice, deep breaths together.
Masculine partner, ground through the soles of your feet and your sacrum. Breathe with your Feminine partner, almost as if you are leading their breath with your breath.
Feminine partner, find some part of your body that can surrender. Perhaps your shoulders drop back or your heart blooms open.
Masculine partner, press down into the earth and feel the solidness of the rock beneath you. You will hold your Feminine partner in breath, gaze, and your solid, grounded presence.
Feminine partner, receive that ageless, infinite presence.
Masculine partner, look past your Feminine partner's eyes and into their heart.
Feminine partner, begin to bring through your body, the energy of Love that is timeless. Allow your heart to relax open. Maybe you say to yourself, "I am Love without history. I am Love without demand. I am Love without need. I am Love without expectation."
Masculine partner, drink this in. Be the witness to this beautiful unfolding of "I am Love without any demand. I am Love that has no beginning and no end. I am Love that is Infinite."
Feminine partner, you don't have to be still. Allow your body to open as you feel that you are Love without demand; Love without history. Feel what it's like in your body to just be Love—every cell of your body plump and vibrating with Love, without any demand or expectation. Infinite, endless Love. Feel all of the love happening on the planet through your body right now: grandchildren with their grandparents, best friends giggling together, people making love... Feel all of that love.
Masculine partner, be a demand for it. Be firm. "Yes, and More. Yes, that's beautiful, and I want even more of it." When it is time to stand up, lead it by putting your hand out and standing with your Feminine partner.
Feminine partner, let yourself be Love. Let your hips be Love. Let your shoulders by Love. Allow Love to move through your body, like you are revealing yourself to the world. I am Love without any beginning or end. Feel your heart full with this Love. Press it through every cell, and let it spill out, like you are filling the space with the Love that is pumping through your body.
Masculine partner, you can smile, say "Yes," and "Beautiful," to let your Feminine partner know that what they are bringing is incredible.
Feminine partner, begin to bring the part of you that is Fierce Warrior—the Warrioress, the Amazon Goddess, the Killer, the part of you that would protect if someone were to come after someone you love. Add that to the Love that you are. Feel your spine a bit stronger, feel the fierceness in your heart, feel the ground more fully, and feel your legs heavier. You are both Love without history, and you are a Fierce, Lethal Warrior.
Masculine partner, say either "More Lover" or "More Warrior" to help your Feminine partner find the perfect balance of Lover and Warrior through their body. If they are too fierce and disconnected from their heart, you will say, "More Lover." If they are too soft and flowy, you will say, "More Warrior." If they're right on it, you can say, "Yes." That's the only feedback you are giving your partner. This is a Sacred Command. You are helping to train your Feminine partner's body to be fierce and loving at the same time and to install this into their nervous system. So let them know with a command every few seconds. It's like you are the Sacred Divine helping to guide them into the perfect state of Fierce Love.
After several minutes, Feminine partner, very slowly relax your practice without dropping it, so it is now in the realm of the subtle. "I love you, and I will rip your throat out if you cross my family."
Then, Masculine partner, take 1 minute to describe what was beautiful about your Feminine partner's practice, and what movement or moment truly opened you and impacted you.
Now, Feminine partner, take what your Masculine partner gave you, and for 15 seconds, amplify it through your body as a blast of Loving Fierceness. Turn it up as if you are brightening the lights in the room. Then slowly relax without dropping it.
If you are standing, you can sit without losing the energy you both just cultivated. You will now switch roles, so the previous Masculine partner will now become the Feminine partner and vise versa.
New Feminine partner, like your partner did, feel the pulse of Love and amplify it through your body. Begin by feeling the fullness of your heart. Feel your heart heavy with the love you want to give. Feel the Love that you are and offer it. Maybe you lift your heart. "I am Infinite Love. I am Love without demand. I am the Love that needs nothing. I am the Love that has no history."
New Masculine partner, ground yourself. You are in charge of the structure of this moment, so you are holding your Feminine partner with your eyes, your posture, and your breath as they give this beautiful revealing of the Love that they are.
Feminine partner, reveal this through your breath, belly, solar plexus, legs, and throat. "My whole body is the Love that demands nothing." Let yourself be that Love and press it forward so that it is a gift, a blessing, and a wash for the soul. Feel all of the love happening on the planet right now coming through your heart and body—everyone making love, every child being held by their parent, and people playing, singing, and dancing.
Masculine partner, be a Yes and a demand for More. When the moment is right, and you feel that your Feminine partner's Love is bursting so much that it needs to be expressed fully, or that they are stuck and need to stand to express more, help them up to standing.
Feminine partner, now, without losing your connection with the Love moving through you, begin to bring with, and as, this Love, the part of you that is absolutely Fierce, committed to the consciousness on this planet, and would kill to keep your family safe.
Masculine partner, after a few minutes, say from a place of Sacred Command, "More Lover," "More Warrior," and "Yes," to help your Feminine partner find that perfect blend of Fierce Love. Help them find a deeper place. Be a demand for more of their heart.
Then, after a few minutes of this, slowly allow this to come into the subtle, through your eyes, breath, and heart. "I love you and I'll kill you if you lose consciousness."
Masculine partner, be a Yes. Then give 1 minute of feedback, sharing what your Feminine partner did through their body—what gestures, movements, and sounds—stood out to you and opened you. "The moment that you..."
Then, both partners offer a deep bow to close this part of the practice, in honor of holding each other and calling out even more from each other.
"Dhan Baba Naanak" by Simrit feat. Salif Bama Kora
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.