Self Appreciation Practice
You know that you have a heart of true devotion, but before you share it with those you love, you want to bring it fully to yourself. You feel the power in devoting your practice to nourishing and appreciating yourself, but you are not sure how to begin.
This is a practice originally led by Ali Kegley Kole for the 2020 Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion to notice and appreciate your body with receptive awareness, awe, curiosity, and wonder, and without story or judgment. When you bring this kind of care and attention, things come alive and become more energized. You can apply this principle to your life and relationships.
If you want to bring your heart of devotion to the appreciation of your own body, become your own Divine Lover in this 17-minute practice.
Prior to your practice, set aside an uninterrupted period of time in which you can stay in practice the entire time. Prepare a private practice space on the floor, that allows you to feel comfortable and relaxed in a seated or lying down position, such as on a blanket, sheepskin, or cushions. We recommend setting up on the floor, rather than on a bed because you will eventually come to standing.
Begin by settling into the space that you created for yourself, letting your eyes gently close, and allowing your body to feel held by Consciousness, so that you can allow your nervous system to quiet down and feel what is there underneath the surface.
The Feminine is constantly distracted by what is off, what needs doing, and other people's needs, so in this moment of intentionally creating space for yourself, go inward and feel what is there in your heart, belly, and energetic body.
Then, let your eyes be soft behind your closed lids, your tongue be heavy in your mouth, your jaw be soft, your breath be full, your belly be soft and expansive with every inhalation, your weight rest down, your shoulders drop, and your heart soften. Let your breath massage you from the inside. Softening. Softening. Softening. Begin to move into receptive and open Feminine energy. Imagine your energy resting against the backline of your body.
Once you feel your body open and receptive, allow your eyes to flutter open and let the room around you come to you. Keep your gaze soft and downcast. Then let your gaze fall onto your own hands. Begin to notice the curves of your fingernails and your knuckles. Maybe you wiggle or wave your fingers. What can you appreciate about your own fingers?
Feel free to bring touch into this practice—rubbing your fingers against each other, letting your fingers run along your thighs... If your fingers are on your legs, let your attention include the curves of the muscles of your thighs.
Try to stay in your receptive awareness. What are you noticing without labels or judgment? How the light reflects off of your fingernails? The difference in temperature between the top and bottom of your hand? Notice the details you may have never seen before—the lines on your first knuckle, the crease where your fingers come together... Perhaps you may notice that more energy is now flowing through your hands and fingers.
You can then let your gaze and touch wander to other parts of your body as inspiration takes you, perhaps to your belly. Explore the shapes, temperatures, and textures of your skin and fabric wherever you land. Perhaps the fabric covering a certain part of your body is soft, sticky, thick, or sheer.
This may be a challenging practice because you may have a habitual way of relating to these parts of your body, but in this practice, you will be simply noticing in the moment, with awe, appreciation, curiosity, and wonder, and without story or judgment.
After 5 minutes or so, without too much effort, begin to make your way to your feet. Take your time and be gentle with yourself. Remaining in this receptive awareness, notice how it feels to stretch your legs out or pull yourself into a new position, appreciating this miracle of your body. Let yourself be awed just because you are the way you are.
When you arrive in that stance, take your gaze to a new part of your body, like a foot, arm, wrist, collarbone, or your hair, as if you are your own Divine Lover. Imagine this lover is meeting this part of your body for the first time. Can you imagine how this Divine Lover would take in every millimeter of your skin?
How could you bring even more appreciation to this moment? How full of beauty and appreciation could you allow yourself to become? The beauty that you are, exactly as you are. Can you give yourself the kind of appreciation that you might give a Masterpiece of art or a newborn baby? There is no right or wrong way to do this practice.
For the final few minutes of the practice, bring your voice in and softly whisper compliments, noticings, and words of appreciation to yourself. "My skin is so silky." "Oh, how my fingers ripple and wave!" "The curve of my wrist is so delicate." "My belly feels so strong." "I love the curve of my thigh." "My waist is so beautiful." Or simple 'thank you's.' "Thank you, legs, for carrying me everywhere." Whisper love notes and send 'thank you's' out to every nook and cranny of your body.
Then, letting your eyes close, breathe in the aliveness, feeling how much more energy is now available in all of the cells of your body. You can give this gift, this exquisite attention, to yourself anytime.
"Yearning" by DJ Drez
"March" by Feverkin
"Sunroom" by Yonderling & Feverkin
"Kelele" by il:lo
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.