Tending to Each Other’s Nervous System - Part 6
In this Q&A session from the 2022 Valentine’s Intensive, John answers questions and works with participants on how to work with resistance and barriers to love, how polarity is created between the masculine and feminine, how to practice in the midst of a closure, how to repair past hurts in a relationship, and the different types of ‘no’ we might hear from a partner.
Who this compilation is for:
Our weekend intensives attract participants from all levels. Some are advanced practitioners. Others are experiencing John and this work for the first time. So the questions and teachings offered here will cover a wide range of terms and topics. If you have a question about any of the content in the Virtual Workshop, we highly encourage you to bring it to John during one of our monthly Office Hours calls that are included with your membership. You can find the dates and times of the upcoming calls here: https://www.johnwineland.com/streaming
Questions and highlights in this compilation include:
Why you might have trouble receiving loving touch
Your resistance to just about everything is about your childhood
Normalizing our barriers to love
Understanding our masculine in relationship
How sexual polarity is created
The quintessential masculine desire
Masculine and feminine desires are meant to be in conflict
The difference between your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
How to gently practice in the midst of a closure
Creating a container for repair
Loving your partner in their closure
Repair versus making art
Practice suggestions for repairing past hurts in your relationship
The different types of ‘no’
Being curious about your partner’s ‘no’
Knowing when your partner is a ‘no’ before they do