Community Support: December 1st 2020
1h 2m
The energetic heart may feel elusive to you. You may not even know how to tell if you’re connected or disconnected from it. You want to be able to deeply feel and connect to the truth in your heart, but you are unsure where to begin.
In this video, from the December 1, 2020 Community Support call, John begins with a practice to introduce the four quadrants of the heart, and describes how you can find and listen to the truth in your core heart and transmit it through your body.
If you want to feel a deep resonance with the truth in your own heart and share it with those you care about most, start with this 62-minute video.
You'll learn:
- the body is the present moment, the heart is the truth of the present moment
- a practice of feeling your needs deep in your heart, being with the needs fully, and then showing them through your eyes and body
- how you can reveal your truth of your heart in a way that feels like a gift to your partner
- self love is being with your own deepest heart's truth
- talking will drift you more into the reinforcing of the wound, rather than the expression of the heart
- trying to relate or communicate what you want without staying connected to the truth in your heart will only recreate a childhood need
- communicating your heart's truth is an embodied thing; not an explaining thing
- your Feminine heart is an oracle, feeling your Masculine partner when they drift and lose themselves, so expressing your heart's pain through your body will give bring them back into what matters, which is the present moment - that is an art and a gift
- the Masculine can bring the Feminine into their body and present moment through deep breath and grounding energy
- if we don't counteract all of our mental activity through embodied energy, our relationships will devolve
- the gift of our bodies is the simplest, valuable way for us to deepen each other and bring us into the present moment because the body is in the present moment - the mind is not
- you can be intellectual if both partners choose that
- the habits you bring into relationship are your karma - i.e. the habit to disconnect from intimacy, complain, take charge, stop breathing, run for the hills etc
- it's in moments of disconnection that a new karma can be created by trying on a new habit
- the only way to change our karma is through massive amounts of opposite practice
- a foundational embodiment practice to drop you into your body more fully: feel your belly (i.e. breathe into your abdomen), feel your heart, feel everything else
- you cannot be thinking about the future while you're breathing into the palm of your hand and feeling your heart
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this video to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this video intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this video cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this video.