True Devotion of Meeting Each Other's Needs Without Abandoning Your Own Hearts
You and your partner have a basic understanding of your hearts’ needs and you want to meet them for each other, but you don’t know how to do that with true devotion while honoring your own hearts.
In this practice John originally led for virtual participants of his 2020 Advanced Practice Group, you will practice sharing your core needs in relationship and then revealing them to one another from your hearts. Then you will begin to offer, or imagine to offer, a physical gesture to meet their needs as an act of devotion, while at the same time, staying connected to your own deep hearts.
If you and your partner want to give each other the gift of devotionally meeting each other’s needs without abandoning your own, dive into this 33-minute practice.
Prior to this practice, take some time to identify a core need that you have in your relationship. If you would like a guided practice for this, you can follow along with practice John led at the end of the Community Practice Call: Honoring Your Core Needs in Relationship:
Begin facing your partner and looking into their eyes. Drop in as deeply as you can right away. Start to imagine that you could feel their body breathing and the front of their body soft.
From this place, Feminine partner, you're going to share with your Masculine partner what you need most in your relationship. "I need..." (For example, "I need to be seen as the love that I am." "I need to be ravished." "I need to feel safe." "I need to be pinned and held tight." "I need to be taken care of." "I need to be caressed." "I need to have my freedom blessed." "I need to be showered in love and depth.") If you have any details you'd like to add, you can share those as well.
Masculine partner, as you receive this, feel deep into your Feminine partner's heart. Looking into their eyes, sense the place in their heart where this need lives.
Feminine partner, after you have shared in words, allow this need to come to the front of your heart, to be seen and felt. Maybe you lift your heart a little bit. Maybe you drop your shoulders back. Maybe you fall into the back line of your body a little bit.
Masculine partner, now share with your Feminine partner a core need that you have in your relationship, including any details you'd like to add. (For example, "I need to be taken care of by feeling you brush my body down with your soft caress." "I need to be showered in light." "I need you to trust me.")
Feminine partner, receive this and let your body feel into the place in your Masculine partner's heart where this need lives.
Masculine partner, allow the front of your body to get super soft, so that your heart is easy for them to feel. Allow yourself to show where this need lives. Maybe you lift your heart a little bit. Maybe you soften your eyes. Let yourself be seen in this need.
Now, both of you, human-to-human, feel the need in your own heart. Feel and reveal. Feel and reveal. As if you are transmitting your need as a signal to your partner. Keep your breath smooth, the front of your body relaxed, and your heart exposed. So you're both in your own individual needs, feeling your own hearts, and letting yourselves been seen together.
Then, without losing this connection to your own heart, feel their needs from the center of your heart. So you are connecting from your full heart to their full heart. Practice being with each other's needs. Let both of your needs be alive in this heart connection.
In the most tender way that you can imagine, without leaving your own needs, begin to offer, or imagine to offer, a physical gesture to meet their needs. For example, you might stroke their face, whisper in their ear, touch their chest, nuzzle up against them, look up at them with absolute trust, or hold them tight. Meeting each other's needs fully.
Now add some energy to it. Allow your heart to expand the energetic experience, so they can feel a pulse from a deep place in your heart. You can turn up the energy through a sound, a deep breath, a movement—anything that will let them know that you are really with them. Imagine that you are healing their heart with your gesture - healing something very deep in them by meeting this need - without abandoning your own heart or your own needs.
Allow that to soften and come to a close.
Then, without leaving your own need, begin to offer your gift in whatever way will bring them alive a little more erotically. It doesn't have to be overt. Maybe through your breath, through your eyes, through your throat, or through some movement of your fingers, imagine meeting their need in a way that wakes them up erotically.
If you'd like, you can make this offering physically. But double check that you haven't left your own heart. If you have, slow down your practice to reconnect to the juiciness of being with your own needs in your own heart. And then when you've found it again, begin from the place of feeling their need. The most important part is that you are feeling each other's needs.
Then allow a little bit more energy to come through the experience. Maybe you imagine your partner doing something to you that meets your needs.
Slowly and gently start to amp up the devotion. What makes this devotional is that you are meeting your needs while meeting their needs. If you lose the connection to your heart or their heart, slow it down and come back to find it.
Feminine partner, you will now take 30 seconds to share one thing that your Masculine partner could do physically to meet your need even more. "I would need you to..." For example, "I would need you to pin me down and force your heart into mine." "I would need you to lock eyes with me in a way that wouldn't let me move." "I would need you to tease me with your tongue."
Masculine partner, begin to allow yourself to give this to your Feminine partner without leaving your own heart or your own needs. It's as if you are moving into them and meeting their needs from the center of your own heart. Give them that experience, and then give them a little more than what they asked for. Intuit what they might need more of. Maybe they need whispering, tussle, or playfulness.
Feminine partner, if this feels good, let them know. Don't leave your needs, but be receptive. Let them meet your need for a moment.
Masculine partner, now you will take 30 seconds to share one thing that your Feminine partner could do physically to meet your need even more. For example, "You could caress me and tell me you're going to take care of me." "You could stroke my thighs."
Feminine partner, if you decide to give this to your Masculine partner, do so without leaving the space of your own heart. Transmit your need through your heart, through your eyes, while physically meeting your partner's need.
Masculine partner, if you feel a tendency to meet your Feminine partner's need, that's okay, but for now, just receive. Let your needs be met without feeling like you need to do anything. Let them do their best to meet your needs.
Feminine partner, from a place of devotion to meeting your Masculine partner's need, see if you can give them a little bit more than what they asked for, without dropping your own needs. What would meet this need even more than they knew to ask for? Maybe you say something, lick your lips, reveal your throat, or touch your belly.
Masculine partner, continue to receive. Let your Feminine partner give you their very best love and devotion.
For the last few minutes of the practice, Masculine partner, imagine receiving what your partner is giving you but also giving them what they need.
So now you're in a beautiful loop of giving and receiving. Keep your heart wide, keep your breath full, keep the front of your body soft, and imagine giving each other the true devotion of meeting each other's needs. This is your art. Feel what they need. Maybe it's more darkness. Maybe it's more angelic nature. What will allow their heart to relax open even more?
Then allow the practice to relax, but stay with your needs and their needs. Feel the beautiful, juicy rhythm of staying connected to each other's hearts. Let them feel your appreciation at their best attempt at loving you and meeting this deep heart need you have. Let them feel your gratitude and reverence for their practice.
Feminine partner, then you will share with your Masculine partner 1-2 moments when you felt most alive, turned on, met, etc. For example, "The moment that you wrapped your arms around me and held me tight." What was a moment when you felt your need deeply met?
Masculine partner, receive this as a gift.
Feminine partner, now share 1 thing (only) that you would want even more of from them to meet your needs even deeper. For example, "I would want you to hold me even tighter." "I would want to feel your gaze piercing me even more."
Masculine partner, now share a couple of beautiful moments with your Feminine partner when you really felt their total devotion meeting your needs—maybe even more than you knew was possible. "The moment that you..."
Feminine partner, receive this as a gift.
Masculine partner, if there was one thing (only) that you would want even more of to feel met even more, share that with your partner. "I would want to feel more pleasure in your body." "I would want you to make more sounds."
Then close your eyes and put your hands on your hearts. Imagine bringing something from this practice to the next time that you make love. Then open your eyes, look into your partner's eyes, and give each other a bow for your sweet and beautiful practice.
"To Build a Home" by The Cinematic Orchestra Feat. Patrick Watson
"Dolphin" by Gabrielle Roth & the Mirrors
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.