Amplifying Awareness and Energy in Service of Love
Expand Your Capacity for Love
In this compilation of teaching sessions from the December 2020 Art of Spiritual Intimacy, John offers in-the-moment teachings and yogic practices to expand your capacity for awareness, energy and feeling in order to transcend the limitations of your personal history and habits which ultimately result in the deepest love and connection possible. David Deida was the featured teacher for this workshop and is referenced by John in this compilation.
You will learn:
* How our habits translate into limitations and the ways we have reinforced that
* A limitation is anything that keeps you from bringing or expressing the full force of your love and consciousness to any given moment
* How the yoga of sexual intimacy helps us discover what’s underneath the limitations.
* The more we expand our feeling and awareness, the more we transcend our habits, history and relational dynamics
* How to amplify awareness and energy to create the deepest love and connection possible
* How to recognize your essential masculine as the part of you that never changes and your essential feminine as the part of you that is always changing.
* To feel freedom through awareness
* The more energy you bring as the feminine, the more your body becomes an invitation for the masculine to feel you more
* The gift of full body awareness and the gift of energy is what creates this ultimate beautiful and loving experience
This is a compilation of teaching sessions by John Wineland, recorded live for his proprietary 2020 Art of Spiritual Intimacy. Production copyright and copyright 2020 by John Wineland. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit
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Feeling Nature with Biological Breath
The following practice was recorded live by John Wineland for his proprietary The Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion 2022. All rights reserved.
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