Becoming Love: Embodying Your Goddess Form and Receiving Divine Masculine Love
Expand Your Capacity for Love
You are a woman who has been maintaining a consistent feminine practice for at least several months. You feel tapped into the pulse of love and have begun to open as love, but you are ready to deepen your practice even more.
This is a feminine practice originally led by John and Nicholette Routhier for the 2020 Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion that guides you through Biological Breathing with intuitive movement to connect to the pulse of love without thought, Holotropic Breath and opening your heart and body to Divine Masculine love, and embodying your Goddess Form—the physical representation of the essence of love that you are. This is a very deep and powerful practice that is recommended for practitioners with at least several months of consistent feminine practice.
If you want to deepen your feminine practice into becoming the full embodiment of the essence of love that you are, this 51-minute practice will lead you there.
Prior to your practice, set aside an uninterrupted period of time in which you can stay in practice the entire time. Prepare a comfortable and private practice space on the floor, such as on a mat, rug or sheepskin, that will allow you to relax and move your body freely with your eyes closed.
After you are set up, begin lying down on your back. Feel free to use a thin pillow for your head if you'd like.
Once you are lying down comfortably on your back, close your eyes, and allow yourself to dissolve. Allow your body to connect to the earth, the huge rock that is supporting you. Dock the back of your heart into the ground by pressing it back on the floor, and link the back of your heart to the heart of the earth. Then let your solar plexus link to the earth. And, finally, let your womb, or the area of the womb, melt into the earth. Let your breath be smoothed and relaxed. There is no stress. No effort. Let go.
Then begin the practice of Biological Breathing. Inhale through your nose, and pause at the top of the inhale to feel the earth through the back of your heart. Then exhale through a wide, open mouth, with your jaw fully relaxed, and let out a sound. Let the sound come through you.
After a few of these breaths, during the pause at the top of your inhale, wait and let your body choose where you want the breath to come into, such as into the back of your heart. Then, on the exhale, let your body move from that place spontaneously. Continue to release a sound on the exhale. Inhale into sensation and exhale open. The purpose of this practice is to connect you to the pulse of movement without thought.
Allow your body to tell you what it wants to move—maybe your wrists, maybe your spine. Trust the wisdom of your body.
Keep your exhales long and smooth. Your exhales should be longer than your inhales.
Become truly intimate with your own body. Make this an act of self-love. Your inhale is a caress and your exhale is an expression of your truth.
Let the truth of you begin to blossom open like a beautiful flower. Feel beneath the sensation into the river of energy that you are. Resist the urge to think about anything other than the sensation in your body and the essence beneath that sensation. Make your body like a flowing river or a bamboo grove swaying in the trees and let it start to feel really good. Let your breath breathe you, and follow sensation without thought, so that you unearth who you really are with each breath and each movement. Drop even deeper into the essence of your heart. Breathe into the pulse of love at the core of your heart.
Find the part of you that is holding onto an ache, grief, self-loathing, doubt, or pain and breathe into it. In your exhales, reveal your truth to the world. Let yourself be seen like you are offering your body-heart, and the essence of you, to the world. Let your body open as a gift. Feel the part of your heart that is yearning to be felt deeply.
Keep allowing yourself to drop down, like you're sinking to the bottom of a deep blue ocean. Inhale and create more space in your heart. Exhale and open as if your fingertips could touch the cosmos, and wrap your legs around the most distant star. How can you make this the most loving, nurturing practice for yourself?
Turn all of the love that you want to give in to yourself. Imagine every breath is filled with millions of particles of light. Let your movement inspire galaxies. Let your breath move clouds. Let your womb give birth to stars. Don't stop moving. Trust the structure of the practice and dive a layer deeper. Trust that the universe wants to move through you right now. Inhale all there is and exhale giving birth to all possibilities. Let yourself be the nature of all existence. You are no longer just a body. You are the galaxies. You are the cosmos.
Drop even deeper and feel all of the mysteries within your heart—how there is infinite love and magic that wants to move through your body. Let your body move with the deepest expression of your magic.
Then, after about 20 minutes of the Biological Breathing practice, return to your back on the earth, without losing any of the magic or breath that you found. Let the universe continue to breathe you open. Let sound move through your throat. Let the truth of your heart be expressed in every movement. Feel how the earth is feeding you, pulsing love and life through the back of your body.
Let your heart connect to your gratitude for the blessings that you've been given. The ones you love. The beauty in the world. Imagine that your heart could bloom open in front of you. Feel your heart like a flower that can open, petal by petal, and reveal an infinite river of love.
Make yourself heavy. Reconnect with how held, supported, and nourished you are by the earth. Then, once you have made this connection, begin a Holotropic Breath. It is a two-part breath through the mouth. You will inhale into the upper lungs, the lower lungs, and then exhale with your mouth open the entire time. Whereas there is a pause in the Biological Breath, there is no pause in the Holotropic Breath. If you get dizzy, tingly, or if your fingers get crampy, slow the breath down and trust your body.
Trust the breath—that it wants to give you even more life, bring you even more love, and connect you even deeper to the conscious truth of life. Trust the breath. Trust the earth. And open.
You can say to yourself, "I trust you. I'll follow you anywhere." As if you are speaking to the Divine. Let your body relax open with the breath. Feel the Divine holding you, from below, from above.
Let whatever you consider to be the Divine Masculine to be present with you right now. Maybe you feel their presence looking over you. Allow your body to relax open and reveal the truth of your heart to them. Continue to breathe.
Let the stars emerge from the depths of your heart as an offering to the Divine Masculine in front of you. As your body opens from breath, let your body receive their consciousness. Feel yourself being held by the earth below while you're being seen and witnessed by the Divine Masculine.
Let your body move if it wants to as the front of your body opens. Feel the presence of the Divine Masculine pressing into your heart and solar plexus as if they are pinning you open with conscious love and presence. Breathe and receive consciousness. Let your body be blown open by how loved you are. Let the message, "You are so loved," penetrate you and fill the front of your spine, into the back of your womb, and into the back of your heart.
Feel the weight of Consciousness and Divine Love pinning you down and piercing every doubt, every fear, every inkling of self-loathing... Imagine the Divine Masculine looking into your eyes and pressing into the back of your heart, the back of your womb, and the back of your spine.
It is as if you are allowing the Divine Masculine to fill you from the very base of your body through your cervix, through the bottom of your heart, and up through your throat. If your body wants to make sounds, let them out on your exhales. Make more space to receive consciousness and love through the front of your body. Splay open even more. Reveal the deepest part of your heart to feel even more love. Feel how much love the Divine Masculine wants to give you.
Feel every man who has ever wanted to love you. Feel the Divine Masculine through every man on the planet wanting to fill your heart with love. Feel how much their love wants to fill you. Keep letting your body open to receive it.
Keep breathing. Trust it and receive this love even deeper, into the part of you that doubts, is afraid, or has resistance. Reveal the truth of your heart and let it be loved, held, penetrated, and pinned.
Imagine that every breath allows you to take in even more love, depth, and conscious presence. Surrender. Receive. Let the Divine obliterate you with love until there is nothing but Consciousness and Love—the Consciousness that is filling you and the Love that you are.
Take Consciousness even deeper and let it liberate the love in the hidden chambers of your heart. Let your body make the sounds of that love being released into the world. Let your body move as if love is being released through every pore. Feel the fierce tenderness of Divine Love piercing your heart.
Then, after about 15 minutes of this practice, allow this Holotropic Breath to relax and breathe naturally & organically.
Take all of your awareness and place it into the flow of love in your body, feeling the love at the core of every cell—the infinite wellspring of love at the root of your heart. Let your body be a stream of love. Rest as the truth of the love that you are. There's nothing to do or create. You are complete as love.
Feeling the essence of love that you are, imagine, floating above you, the physical representation of the love that you are. The Goddess Form of the love that you are. Maybe she's an angel, a winged goddess, a bird, a shining sun, a blue sky, a version of you...
Allow yourself to see this Goddess Form floating above you and looking down at you—the perfect embodiment of your essence that is love. See and feel her, and how she occurs in the world. Feel how she is the representation of the love that you are. Trust whatever form she takes and that she came to you as a gift to help you love deeper.
Inhaling through your nose, imagine that you could breathe her into your body. Then let every exhale fill your cells with her essence and press her energy to the very edges of your body. Let your body be cleansed, opened, and filled by the love of this Goddess Form.
Then let your body take the shape of this Goddess Form. Become this Love Goddess even more with every exhale.
Feel how your entire body is filled with her essence. You are her. The Divine Love that has always been you. Feel how it radiates out like a sun across the planet.
Then begin to come to your feet as this Goddess Form. Rise as if you are rising up from the earth as this pure expression of Divine Feminine Love. As you bring this form up to face the world, feel where you want to bring this love. Who wants to be blessed? A partner? A future lover? A child? Your friends? Your community? Let your movements bless the world with the love that you are.
Feel how everyone you touch will be transformed by the depth and the purity of this transmission. Move in whatever way feels like the deepest expression of the love that you are. Let this be a celebration. Feel how this new destiny moves through you.
Open your eyes and see the room that you're in. Feel the world that is craving this unconditional blast of love. Who needs this love? Feel the people who are sick and scared. Move in a way that frees their hearts and soothes their souls. Feel how powerful you are, how powerful this love is, and how this love has the capacity to change lives, heal hearts, and cut through injustice. Let this love blast hearts open. Feel how this love frees seven generations forward and back. Your children. Their children. Your mother. Your grandmother. Let the whole world be freed by your love.
Then allow your practice to come to a close. Place your right hand over your heart and your left hand over your right hand. Make a pact with yourself to fully live this new possibility—this new love form that you are. To be the love that the world needs.
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Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.
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