Breath Practice for Freeing Stored Emotions
Expand Your Capacity for Love
You may be exploring opening your heart and becoming more vulnerable to those you care about most. But as you do this, you may be discovering that there are unexpressed emotions stored in untouched caverns in your heart that you may be afraid to let out.
This is a breath practice John led to move and liberate deeply stored emotions or sensations in your body. From a grounded body and an activated heart, you feel an emotion or sensation that is present for you. You then take a big inhale into that emotion, and then on the exhale, make a strong sound of how the emotion feels. You repeat this practice several times, going deeper into more unexpressed emotions and letting the expressions become more full-bodied.
If you want to create space in your heart to become more available to love, express your deeply stored emotions in this 12-minute practice.
Begin in a strong seated position pressing into the ground with your big toes, which will create a little "cup" at the arch of your foot. Become aware of that cup connecting to the earth beneath you. Then breathe into the back of your throat and the back of your heart simultaneously. Plant your sacrum down into the core of the earth, almost as if you could feel the heat of the earth's core coming up through the bottom of your spine.
Continuing to breathe deeply into the back of your heart, letting the back of your ribs open up, all the way down to your kidneys, and begin to activate your heart. Then take this activated heart and press it down into your feet.
From this place, feel an emotion or sensation that is present for you, without losing your ground at all. Feel deep into something you're holding on to, or not acknowledging fully. Take a big inhale into that emotion, and then on the exhale, make a strong sound of how the emotion feels.
You will do this three times.
Wait at the bottom of the exhale for a few moments to let yourself connect to a deeper space. Then inhale again into the back of your heart, ribs and kidneys, ensuring that everything stays rooted, and then, again, exhale the emotion or sensation from the deeper place in you. Give it a little more energy.
Wait at the bottom of the exhale to connect to an even deeper place before inhaling again. As you exhale, let your body be a full expression of the sound of the emotion or sensation.
You will continue with this, taking deep inhales into the back of the body, rooting down, and exhaling a deep feeling, but now you will add some full-body movement to the exhale. You can stretch, wiggle, shudder, shake, roll your neck, etc. - whatever your body wants to do to move this stored or unprocessed energy through your body. Trust what your body wants to do. At the same time, maintain the connection to the earth from the bottom of your heart down to your feet.
Now imagine that the exhales are coming from even deeper in your body - your tendons, bones and cells. Continue to let the sound be a current to move the energy. The feelings could change, which is fine. Follow the truth in your breath and movement.
For the last few breaths, go deep inside, so there is nothing but the sensation and movement in your body. Let the exhales move, open, free and liberate your bones and cells of any remaining stored sensation.
Then relax the practice, reconnecting to the core of the earth, and feeling your heart and sacrum plugged in and grounded. Breathe into the bright, rich space you opened in your body. Complete the practice with an easeful, quiet bow to honor what is.
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.
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