Feel, Express, Give - Part Four
Expand Your Capacity for Love
Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but that may feel unsafe or out of reach in your relationship or life as it stands.
In this extensive compilation of teaching sessions from the 2020 Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion, John offers in-the-moment teachings and practices to dive beyond your habitual beliefs and behaviors into a fuller expression of the truth of your heart and the pure essence within you.
It's a humbling experience to learn who you really are underneath the habits and behaviors you do to hide. By bringing awareness to these things, integrating them through embodiment, and expressing them fully, you come to discover that they all have gifts.
If you want a comprehensive guide to moving beyond your limiting habits and behaviors into a fuller expression of your pure essence as a gift to your beloved and the world, dive into this 7-video compilation.
*In this series, when John references "Card 3," he is referencing the thing you wanted most as a child but did not get—your unmet childhood need.
You'll learn:
- There is nothing wrong with having habitual beliefs. They come from your childhood programming. But you can't rise above the level that you see the world.
- You can bring more consciousness and awareness (masculine traits) to your beliefs in order to identify what drives your view of the world.
- Awareness of your body-mind leads to shifting your body-mind, which leads to creating a new neural pathway.
- You can change the way the world occurs to you, how you experience yourself, and what you magnetize, by shifting your body-mind.
- If you begin the process of shifting your body-mind, your ego will fight back because it has created an embodied persona around your habitual beliefs.
- You create beliefs to avoid deep feelings.
- Your Occurring World beliefs state how the world occurs to you right now. You can summarize these into one statement like, "They're going to abandon me."
- You can create a new Occurring World statement and walk through the world embodying that new belief, which can make quite a difference in the world. For example, "My King is dying to cherish and adore me."
- The words you use are important because they are a map to the true place in your heart that believes and can feel the possibility of your new Occurring World.
- Oftentimes, the places where your partner is not meeting you are not your true, vulnerable heart. They will not be drawn to the places where you are misaligned from your heart.
- You can love yourself by embodying that which you crave the most in love. Then, you can approach love, not from the perspective of wanting to be filled by love, but as someone who is full in the giving of love.
- To a Feminine being, if someone is rejecting your heart, they are rejecting your value.
- You have immense power over the world you create.
- If you "receive" something into your heart that you normally avoid (i.e. your anger, your fear, your self-loathing), and then move it through your body, you will create more space and freedom around it.
- Our habitual thoughts have been pre-installed since childhood; we don't get to choose most of our thoughts, but our in-the-moment feelings are true.
- David Deida uses the metaphor that our thoughts are like digestion & you can treat them as such by not bringing too much attention to them.
- For all of us, form is the Feminine (i.e. thoughts, emotions, etc.).
- When we step into form and start to believe it, we're completely untethered to consciousness.
- Even if you want to connect to your Feminine more, you need to stay tethered to consciousness.
- You have to face the part of yourself that hates yourself—it's hard, but there is freedom and joy on the other side.
- It is important to own and clear your judgments in order to trust and connect deeply with your partner.
- Feeling your partner hold your judgments of them without collapse, and vise versa, can cultivate deep trust between you.
- The Feminine and Masculine both have their versions of "the drama of life," which they play out constantly when unconscious - "Is he ever going to be enough?" or "Will the love ever be enough?" (feminine) "Am I going to be free?" (masculine).
- Most of the time, the agitation you have toward the Feminine in another person is the same judgment that you have towards your own.
- Wanting a Masculine partner but rejecting their Feminine isn't very fair - it's not seeing them as a whole human being.
- Sensitivity is the combination of awareness and sensation.
- Being able to ground yourself and then let the hum of your own pleasure and energy move through you allows you the freedom to artfully master the expression of your love.
- Bringing awareness to your own expression frees you to go deeper and bring more range.
- Cultivating your own Sacred Masculine allows you to relax into your feelings more fully.
- Anything you put your awareness on feeds its energy. Thoughts are energy. If you find yourself becoming self-conscious or consumed by your thoughts, you can practice becoming wider than the thoughts.
- The Toxic Masculine in all of us wants to shut down our Feminine expression. The Sacred Masculine expands wider and transcends that impulse.
- The part of us that likes to regenerate by doing nothing completely is our Masculine. The part of us that likes to regenerate with scents, textures, connection, and sensation is our Feminine.
- The part of us that wants to be in the world is our Feminine. The part of us that wants to be witnessing and receiving the world with no demand is our Masculine.
- Your Healthy Masculine sets boundaries. Your Sacred Masculine brings awareness to create spaciousness. Your Toxic Masculine makes demands and tries to control.
- The parts of us that we repress, deny, and avoid become "Shadow." We have dozens of them. When we work with them in an embodied way, we create more freedom around them and create space for integration, so that they can become beautiful, tender allies, rather than the parts of us that bubble up and come out sideways in our relating.
- It takes time to unwind habitual, negative thinking.
- By believing your thoughts, you are avoiding your deep feelings. By honoring your feelings, you are in incredibly beautiful, sacred practice.
- The more that you can learn to be with your deepest core needs, the more you will be able to attract and stay with people who can meet those needs.
- When you and your partner stay in the place of "we need," there emerges an embodied truth for you to move from.
- How you can become a master of your own energy by packing it down into your center column.
- Whatever strategy you've come up with to get your needs met often only pushes it away because it tends to come from your childhood programming.
- The antidote to strategy is to give what you want in a way that occurs to your partner as love.
- Our universal or cosmic purpose is to be love and consciousness in the moment.
- Our karmic purpose is the one that we incarnated into this life to give as a result of the epigenetics of our family, the wounds we suffered as a child that now become gifts, etc.
- Our soul purpose is a part of a growth cycle that requires our awareness of what life is wanting us to take on. The more you align your life around that, the deeper you will feel and the more growth you will experience.
- Leadership is to be in tune with the pulse of life that wants to move through you and to make your body and your life an instrument for that expression.
- To truly lead from the deepest place is to be in touch with that which wants to move through you - love, consciousness, depth, joy, nourishment...
- Once you figure out your purpose, the next step is to align your life to serve it—who and how you date, how much alone time you take, where you live, what you write, the foods you eat, the practices you do, etc.
- Once you identify the thing that is most important, then you can embody it. Once you embody it, then you can transmit it. When you transmit it, then you magnetize.
- You can train yourself to receive deep emotions, rather than "armor up."
- Penetrating is a projection forward. Receiving is the result of an open invitation and the magnetism that comes from that.
- Take on a practice to sit, receive, and witness the Feminine through nature. Anything that you resist during that practice will reveal your relationship to the Feminine.
- The capacity to be in awe and receive nourishment from "The Great She" is a training, a skill.
- Sometimes your purpose isn't a lofty goal. It can be about showing up and providing for your children, living from joy, or taking the time to grieve, rest, or heal.
- Part of learning how to open our hearts and bodies is learning that it is safe to open, so it is normal for habitual closure to arise as we begin this process. It is helpful to have groups of people around us who can support us in becoming aware of and moving through those closures.
- You can practice integrating and stretching new patterns in your body and staying in your body when your mind can't make sense of them. Staying in your body is an act of self-love.
- When you open, it is normal to experience a wide range of emotions at once, like heartbroken and in love. The practice is to stay open and in your heart, identify the core needs associated with the feelings, and stay with them in your heart.
- A lot of us unconsciously choose roles in relationship.
- It is a powerful personal exploration to define the roles that you take on and determine whether you want to stick with them or choose other roles.
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this video to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this video intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this video cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this video.
Up Next in Expand Your Capacity for Love
Feel, Express, Give - Part Five
Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...
Feel, Express, Give - Part Six
Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...
Feel, Express, Give - Part Seven
Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...