Vase Breath
Expand Your Capacity for Love
8m 34s
You want to deepen your personal embodiment practice because you know it’ll improve your trustability in your life and relationships, but you find yourself becoming stuck when it comes to breathing deeply. Put simply, your breath feels shallow and you struggle to deepen it enough to keep up with the other practices in this Virtual Workshop. You want to increase your breath capacity, so you can deepen your practice, but you don’t know where to start.
This is a Tibetan breath practice that John originally led for virtual masculine participants of the June 2020 Art of Spiritual Intimacy Online Weekend Immersion. In this practice, you will breathe down through your entire torso as if it is a vase with a long thin flute and a round base. You can imagine that your nose is the top of the vase, the center column from your throat to your genitals is the flute, and your lower belly is the base. The roundness of the base is created as your belly expands with breath in all directions - front, back, and sides. As best as you can, you are aiming for a wide, round abdomen. If you do this practice consistently, you will increase your breath capacity over time.
If you want to expand your breath capacity to deepen your masculine practice overtime, this 8-minute practice will help.
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