Becoming Sea Kelp
For The Feminine : Practices
As a woman, you may feel a deep yearning to connect to your Feminine core, that which is pure love light with an eternal desire to be given. You may desire to let this love flow as an expression of desire, but you may not be sure what that could look like.
In this practice John originally led for virtual participants of the Introduction to the Path of the Embodied Feminine, you will connect to the pulse of the earth, soften your heart and throat through a Biological Breath practice (John learned this breath from his teacher, Cass Phelps), and melt open your body as love, pleasure, and yearning, through the embodiment of beautiful, flowing sea kelp. You will feel into the parts of you that are ancient, timeless, wise, and magic. And you will open to your infinite capacity to feel love in your heart and express that love as a gift through your body.
If you want to learn how to express devotion from the pulse of love in your pure Feminine core, this 22-minute practice is a powerful place to begin.
Sit toward the front edge of a chair, so you can feel your sits bones on the chair, and plant your feet firmly on the floor. Then feel your feet, sitz bones, and maybe even your cervix, planted into the earth. This will give you a good base underneath you. Close your eyes and bring your awareness in, so you can clear your mind of thought.
Then you will begin a Biological Breath. This is an open-mouth inhale with the back of your jaw relaxed and throat wide like you are taking a big gulp of air into the back of your heart, and then an exhale through your nose or mouth, whichever feels best. Let the exhale melt your heart open.
Let this moment be timeless - so it is just you, your breath, the earth, John's voice, and the music. From here, bring all of your awareness into your heart. On every inhale, feel your breath fill the rear, bottom spot of your heart - it is very tender, soft, and vulnerable - and on every exhale, let the warmth of your heart spread throughout your chest.
Don't let your mind wander. Train yourself to bring your awareness completely into the sensation of your breath, open mouth, and the warmth of your heart.
Staying with the breath, begin to feel your own timelessness—the ancient parts of you, the parts of you that are magic, Sorceress, Priestess... going way, way back. Tap into the ancient wisdom, infinite love, and infinite capacity to feel within your heart. Perhaps spread the warmth of your heart down through your solar plexus, your abdomen, your belly, your hips, and into your womb. Then perhaps spread it up into your throat, softening and warming your throat.
Bring all of your awareness into your heart—feel the muscles of your heart, the heat in your heart, the energy being generated in your heart, and then feel all of that spread throughout your body.
Then imagine that your cervix and perineum, the base of your body, is planted into the bottom of the ocean, like sea kelp. Sea kelp are rooted into the sand at the base of the ocean, and they flow and move slowly with the ocean currents. Begin to feel your spine like sea kelp—you are planted into the base of the ocean, but your spine and center column are fluid, floaty, easy, and relaxed like the ocean current is moving your spine.
Without losing your connection to the earth, let your exhales be the impetus for your spine to start to undulate like sea kelp, maybe side-to-side or back and forth. Let it feel good to have this beautiful subtle internal flow. You can express any pleasure you're feeling with a sound. You can even use the sounds of your exhales to amplify your pleasure. Then let your inhales happen deeply and organically, with your throat and mouth wide open, breathing into your heart.
Press down into the earth, so you can feel the deep sands and ocean floor beneath you, and feel the pulse of the earth through your womb and cervix.
Then, if you feel inspired, you can begin to let your fingers and hands become extensions of this sea kelp, undulating and moving in a way that feels good. Maybe they move in circles, or one finger at a time. Let yourself be in this ancient moment, stretching out forever, to the ends of the universe. Let your body be the pulse of the ocean, of the earth.
Then get in touch with the part of your heart that wants to love—that is aching to give more love, to swim in love, to be love, and to receive love. Let that heart energy inform your movement. Let your spine move as love. Let your fingers move as love. Maybe you even let your shoulders, or your hips, join the party.
Imagine that the love you are moving through your body is directed outward, towards your partner, the world, other women, all of the men that you want to wake up, or the ones you want to devote your heart to. Continue to allow sound to inform this and let your body find its own movement, as love.
Let the inhale fill you, and let the exhale move your body as if you are painting the world with love—all the love you have to give, all the love you've always wanted to experience. Feel who you would paint with this love. Whose life would you change with this love? Perhaps imagine you are stroking a lover's heart with your hand—looking into their eyes, making their whole body come alive, and letting your fingers become strobes of love light. Let your body be the expression of love's eternal desire to be given.
Let your throat be the expression of love through sound. Maybe you even offer your throat to whatever you consider Divine, as love. Maybe you offer your heart.
What if you could turn up the love that you are even more? Feeling how deep this ache to love goes, let it be expressed now. Feel the part of you that yearns to love and be loved, and let it be a part of the expression. Let your body be the expression of that yearning—hungry to swim in the love. Maybe you make a sound of that yearning.
Finally, feel the pulse of this love emanating from someplace that is not you. You are the instrument, painting the world with love through breath and movement. But the love comes from a divine, infinite source. Let that love move through your body. Imagine that the sound and movement that you offer could change the world, free hearts, and free the men in your life from the burden that they carry. Let this be a gift.
As you bring the practice to a close, bring your hands down to your thighs. As your hands come down, bring all of your awareness to the sensation of your hands touching your thighs. Continue the sea kelp undulation in your spine. Imagine that if you were to open your eyes and look into a lover's eyes from this place, you could transmit this love and pleasure you cultivated through your eyes. They might not know that your spine is undulating, your cervix is planted into the earth, or you are feeling the pulse of love. "I am the love of the universe." "I am the love of the infinite." Imagine them receiving this. Notice what it might do to their body and heart.
Then bring yourself back to your body in this moment, letting this practice settle in your nervous system. This is something you could do anytime without anyone knowing—on a Zoom call, on the phone, at the dinner table... Or you could give yourself 5-10 minutes to put on this song and feel your spine as sea kelp, and your heart as a ball of warmth.
Know that this is part of you is there, always. It is you.
Take three smooth, deep breaths, and open your eyes to close the practice.
Music: "Dolphin" by Gabrielle Roth & the Mirrors
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.
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