The Relationship Reconciliation Inventory
For The Feminine : Practices
In this recording from the September 2023 Teacher Training monthly call, John and Kendra introduce a transformative journaling practice called a “Masculine/Feminine Reconciliation Inventory.”
Rooted in spiritual and shamanic traditions, this practice acknowledges we have energetic ties that connect us to those we've loved. By shifting our perspective and energy around past relationships, we can impact these threads of connection, and healing can occur. When we clear and cleanse these threads, we create space in both our consciousness and our energetic field, allowing us to enter into new or existing relationships more open and free.
After giving examples and answering common questions about the process, John will guide you through a 19-minute, heartfelt journaling exercise to support you in creating your own Reconciliation Inventory.
Note: You’ll find a downloadable PDF with these additional instructions in the Homework, Practices, and Resources section:
In this document you will find the outline for The Masculine and Feminine Reconciliation Inventory processes. This is a process and timing is very important. If you are looking to go deeper in the process, and receive support on making the actual reconciliation with the person, we offer this in our long-term programs. We highly recommend doing the “reaching out” part in a held container where you can get support from peers and teachers.
What is the purpose of a reconciliation?
A Feminine and Masculine Reconciliation is about meticulously reflecting on the art you made in relationships, and acknowledging that you did the best you could with what you were given. It is a clear identification of ownership around a specific action or recurring habit/patterns that contributed to hurt or dis-ease in your partnerships/relationships, what gifts/lessons these individuals have brought to your life, and what you are thankful for from these gifts/lessons after spending time to reflect on your relationship.
This is the personal, reflective work we need to do in order to enter a history-free, wound-free relationship with the Masculine or Feminine. This is about YOU and your responsibility and not that of taking the other’s inventory.
Masculine Reconciliation Structure
While most of these might be men, this can also be a woman who played a masculine role in your life.
Begin compiling your list for the Masculine Reconciliation. Take inventory of the most important masculine relationships in your life and their relationship to you. Your list should identify people with whom you share a residual energetic hook that is not in service of one another. This may go beyond romantic partners and extend to family members and close platonic relationships. Examples are: parent, boss, partner, brother, etc.
For each person, answer the following questions:
● How did you castrate, punish, or judge him/her for perceived or real misbehavior?
● Where did you withhold your love or the truth of your heart?
● Where did you resist his/her attempts at leading you or take the lead yourself?
● How did you push away or deflect his/her attempts at loving you?
● Where did you not set appropriate boundaries and blame him/her for it?
● Where were you selfish?
● If you were in a gesture of truly setting both of you free, what do you have to
thank him/her for? What were the gifts you experienced from the relationship?
Using the list above, create an inventory of the major events, habits and patterns for each person.
Get clear on identifying ownership around a specific action or recurring habit/pattern that has contributed to hurt or dis-ease. What gifts or lessons have they brought to your life, and what you are thankful for from these gifts or lessons?
Now list out ALL of the ways this could have impacted this person.
E.g. "I can imagine the impact would have been that you didn’t feel safe sharing your feelings with me..."
Feminine Reconciliation Structure
While most of these might be women, this can also be a man who played a feminine role in your life.
Begin compiling your list for the Feminine Reconciliation. Take inventory of the most important feminine relationships in your life and their relationship to you. Your list should identify people with whom you share a residual energetic hook that is not in service of one another. This may go beyond romantic partners and extend to family members and close platonic relationships.
Examples are: parent, boss, partner, brother, etc. For each person, answer the following questions:
For each person, answer the following questions:
● Where did you withhold your masculine gifts from this person? (i.e. leadership, truth, unconditional love)
● Where did you not acknowledge and receive their gifts?
● How did you not cherish their feelings?
● How did you not take responsibility for the culture you allowed or created in the relationship?
● Where did you prioritize being right over soothing their nervous system?
● Where did you not live your full life and then blame them?
● Where did your childhood wound emerge in the relationship and how could you
have handled it better?
Using the list above, create an inventory of the major events, habits and patterns for each person.
Get clear on identifying ownership around a specific action or recurring habit/pattern that has contributed to hurt or dis-ease. What gifts or lessons have they brought to your life, and what you are thankful for from these gifts or lessons?
Now list out ALL of the ways this could have impacted this person.
E.g. "I can imagine the impact would have been that you didn’t feel safe sharing your heart with me..."
[END of PDF instructions]
If you have a question about this practice or any of the content in the Virtual Workshop, we highly encourage you to bring it to John during one of our monthly Office Hours calls that are included with your membership. You can find the dates and times of the upcoming calls here:
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice
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