What patterns are blocking your transmission
For the Masculine : Teachings
Note: John’s mic had occasional issues that affected the audio quality of this recording and intensified during the last 5 minutes of the recording.
We all have patterns that hold us back and they are often difficult to see within ourselves. In the second half of the opening session of the Teacher Training Intensive from July 2022, John Wineland and Kendra continue to help participants clarify the transmission they most want to offer the world while also taking a deep look at the very common and human patterns that so many of us face.
Key takeaways from this video include:
• Embodiment work will naturally bring your patterns to the surface–from the unconscious to the conscious
• One easy (and potentially fun) way to work with a pattern is to name it to others
• Perspective shifts can sometimes help to loosen patterns
• Most of our patterns come from early childhood, we all have them, and they are normal
• Feeling heartbroken in this work is common and often comes from very deep needs being met, sometimes for the first time
• Your present moment practice is (almost) always the answer to “How do I get my partner to ________?”
Up Next in For the Masculine : Teachings
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