Cultivating Feminine Energetic Capacity • Part Two: Pleasure and Yearning
{Partner Practice} Cultivating Feminine Energetic Capacity
You have been exploring feminine practice for some time and you are beginning to integrate your feminine expression in your life. Now you want to take it to the next level by expanding your feminine range, and you are aware of the depth of practice that can come through the reflection and encouragement of a partner.
In this three-part feminine partner practice, John will guide you to expand your feminine expression as lover/warrior (part 1), pleasure/yearning (part 2), and devotion/darkness (part 3). While you don’t have to do all three practices in one session, we recommend that you practice them in order.
If you want to expand your feminine range through the reflection and support of a fellow practitioner, dive into this three-part practice.
Sit back down and switch Masculine and Feminine roles once again.
Masculine partner, you set the tone with your breath and posture.
Feminine partner, begin to feel Pleasure through your body. Amplify whatever feels good as a gift for your Masculine partner. Maybe you run your fingers along your thighs or through your hair. Maybe you make a sound that is pleasurable. Imagine this is Infinite Pleasure, so full within you that you have to give it.
Masculine partner, ground, breathe, and soften your jaw and your gaze. It is like you are looking through your Feminine partner into a deep forest and experiencing the energy building in their body through the front of your body. It's like you are being caressed with this Pleasure. At any point, if you feel it would bring more Pleasure, you can stand with your Feminine partner.
Feminine partner, after a few minutes of this, begin to add to your Pleasure, the ache in your heart, the Yearning, to be fully known, seen, or claimed. This is not performative, so rather than perform for your Masculine partner, go deeper into your body to feel and reveal your Yearning and Pleasure. Let your ache be fully expressed through the Pleasure in your body.
Masculine partner, from the place of Sacred Command, command, "More Pleasure," "More Yearning," and say, "Yes" when your Feminine partner finds the perfect blend. Don't let them fake it. Don't let them drift.
Feminine partner, after several minutes, bring the practice down into the subtle. Do not drop it. Feel it fluttering throughout your inner body.
Masculine partner, you may need to help your Feminine partner to their seat. Then take 1 minute to describe what was beautiful about your Feminine partner's practice.
Then, for another 15 seconds, Feminine partner, take what your Masculine partner shared with you and turn up the practice one final time. "Here's the pleasure that my body is. Here's my aching heart." Then, as this aching, yearning, pleasure-filled human, slowly find your way back to your seat.
Now switch roles once again.
New Masculine partner, ground your feet into the earth, let your belly be full with breath, let your eyes get fiercely loving, relax your jaw, and widen your gaze.
New Feminine partner, allow your Masculine practice to shed and let it feel good. Let pleasure fill your body and then decide to amplify it because the world is longing for it. This Love without history that you are, its language is your Pleasure. So let that be the expression of this Love that is deep and infinite. Feel how there is so much of it that your body has to move and you have to make a sound as a gift to your Masculine partner.
Masculine partner, at any point, you can lead your Feminine partner to stand.
Feminine partner, then through this infinite, love-filled Pleasure, let the ache in your heart and your Yearning be seen through your eyes, breath, and voice.
Then, Masculine partner, you can command your Feminine partner from this place: "More Pleasure," "More Yearning," and "Yes." Take them deeper with your command. Don't let them perform or hold back from you. Command, with your love and your presence, that they give it all right now. Say it as if they have to do anything that you ask.
After several minutes, Feminine partner, bring your practice into the subtle without dropping it.
Masculine partner, let your Feminine partner know through your eyes, "Yes. This is so beautiful." Then take 1 minute to praise your Feminine partner.
Then, Feminine partner, from where you are, take the feedback you were given and turn it up in your body for 15 seconds. Then slowly let the practice relax in your body, knowing that this is available anytime you want it.
Both partners, offer a bow to close this part of the practice.
Music: "Mississippi" by Rising Appalachia and The Human Experience
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.
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Cultivating Feminine Energetic Capaci...
You have been exploring feminine practice for some time and you are beginning to integrate your feminine expression in your life. Now you want to take it to the next level by expanding your feminine range, and you are aware of the depth of practice that can come through the reflection and encoura...