Ego Eradicator Breath Practice Radiating Your Masculine Gifts into the World
For Sacred Intimacy : Partner Practices
You are a man who has begun to explore Masculine embodiment practice to become more present and trustable for those you care about most. But you want to go deeper and you know there is no better way to sharpen your Masculine transmission than in the company of other men.
This is a Masculine partner breath practice that John originally led for the men of his 2020 Embodied Men's Leadership Training to radiate depth out to the world as a gift. You will work with the Ego Eradicator breath practice to challenge one another to activate more of your Masculine core and then you will offer this transmission as a gift to the world.
If you and a fellow brother want to take your Masculine transmissions to the next level, do this 12-minute partner practice.
Start in a seated position facing your partner that allows you to have a long, strong, and upright spine. Planting your feet firmly into the ground, make eye contact with the partner in front of you. You will then both begin a breath practice in which you will scoop your navels up and in on the inhale through your nose, like you're scooping your navels up into your chests and filling the tops of your lungs. This will lengthen your spines on every inhale. Then, on the exhales, you will press down and ground into the earth with your sacrum and feet. Imagine that you are making yourselves taller, wider and stronger with this breath. Feel yourselves taking up space - a lot more space than your bodies - taking up the space of the auric spheres around you.
Release this breath practice. Without losing the shape you just cultivated, you're going to go into a relatively long Ego Eradicator Practice with your partner. Bring your fingers together and fold them into your palms with your thumbs out, and your arms up and extended out at 60 degrees. Begin breath of fire, exhaling strongly through your nose and allowing the inhale to flow in naturally through your nose, without losing eye contact with your partner.
Feel the rejoicing and aliveness in your heart to be two noble, deep Shamans going to battle together. Let your cells get full. Challenge your partner to bring more of their Masculine core.
Rather than strain when you get uncomfortable, see if you can get taller and wider, ground more fully, and pull more energy from the environment. Feel the back of your body huge and wide.
Looking through the partner in front of you - through their eyes, heart and the core of them - feel out into the rest of the world. Practice feeling the world as if you both are offering this transmission as a gift to the world. Practice feeling people who are struggling with sickness, finances, heartbreak, loss, etc. - and offer your hearts as a gift to all of those people on the planet, as if you're saying, "I got you. We got you."
After 5 minutes, you can slowly relax the Breath of Fire, but lift your arms up to the sky, touch your thumbs above your head, and stretch your fingers up toward the sky. Take a deep inhale, squeeze your perineum/root lock, pull all of the energy from the stars into the center of your body and consolidate everything into your central column. Exhale and hold the pose. Then inhale, close your eyes, squeeze, plug your fingers into the stars, and once again, feel through the partner in front of you and out into all of the other people on the planet. Radiate your practice out. Exhale and hold the pose. On the third and final inhale, open your eyes once again and feel how you and your partner are offering the deepest parts of you to the world. Then on the final exhale, let your arms wave down slowly together.
For the final few moments, return to the breath you started with: inhale, scooping your navel up into your chest, and exhale, grounding your sacrum and feet into the earth. Radiate your gift through your partner and into the world.
Look into your partner's eyes and feel the Divine Masculine essence in them. Feel their unique gift. Let them feel that you see the power of their depth.
Then offer a bow to one another to close the practice.
Music: Rakim by Dead Can Dance, Heroes by Peter Gabriel
Note: Here is the Ego Eradicator practice if you would like to try it on your own before working with a partner:
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.
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