Fierce Yearning, Pleasure, and the Nature of all Life
For Sacred Intimacy : Partner Practices
You and your partner want to spice up the passion in your intimacy. You may be familiar with polarity, so you’re ready to learn how to create an arc of polarity in your intimate relationship, but you aren’t sure how to start.
This is a polarity partner practice John originally led for virtual participants of his 2020 Embodied Men's Leadership Training and Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion. This is a good practice for those who are new to polarity practice, in a new relationship, or practicing virtually. You will practice connecting through your gaze and breath, revealing and holding feminine pleasure through the expression of nature, and offering fierce yearning as a gift to one another.
If you want to learn how to create an arc of polarity in any moment, begin with this 32-minute practice.
Sit facing your partner. You can spend these first 2 minutes with your eyes closed, if you'd like. Begin by placing the soles of your feet on the earth and feel how you are held by the earth. You can bounce or rock back and forth to feel your sacrum connected to the earth. Notice what's coming up in you - nervousness, excitement, fear, or longing. Feel it in your heart without needing to change anything. Then, honoring wherever you are in this moment, set an intention as a gift to your partner. For example, to share my true heart, to energize or enliven them, to make them feel safely held, or to create beautiful art. Ground that intention in your heart while also feeling and honoring what's tender there.
Now, both partners, open your eyes and point to your left eye. That is the eye you will focus on as you gaze into your partner's eyes. Begin to deepen your breath. Feel the earth beneath you and press down through your sits bones and feet. Continue to gaze into your partner's left eye as you make your breath deeper and fuller, and while you feel the earth beneath you.
For the first few moments together, look past your partner's surface, and any thoughts that comes up, and feel deeper, into their heart. Continue to amplify your breath.
Masculine partner, try to synchronize your breath to your Feminine partner's.
Feminine partner, make your breath generous enough that they can really feel it.
Allow the truth of your hearts to come through your eyes, whether it's "Please take care of me," "I'm nervous," or "I can't wait." Let your humanity come through your eyes and your breath - two humans being human; not playing any roles for each other, and not trying to get anywhere. Let it be two humans having an experience of intimacy together with no agenda. Notice if that relaxes anything in you. Scan your body from the top of your heads to your toes and take the next few breaths to relax anywhere else that you still feel tense.
Deepening your breath even more, Masculine partner, pick up your Feminine partner's breath.
Feminine Partner, see if you can consciously relax your capacity to hold your own breath, as if you are giving it to your Masculine partner as a gift.
Masculine partner, as you're looking into your Feminine partner's eyes and breathing with them as best you can, reflect through your eyes, heart and breath, how beautiful your partner's relaxed being is.
Feminine partner, do your best to receive that.
Masculine partner, feeling the utmost reverence for your Feminine partner's trust to let you breathe with them, let them know through your eyes, "I've got you. You're safe with me." Maintain the yoga of breathing with them, looking past their eyes and into their heart, and letting them feel the part of you that has them.
Feminine partner, allow your body to become a little bit more of an invitation. Feel the part of you that is like the wind, that can feel the sun on your skin, and is like the trees swaying gently in the breeze. Allow this energy to come through your body as a gift for your partner, just because they're present and doing their best to love you.
Masculine partner, as they begin to reflect the beauty of nature through their body, continue to deepen your breath and let them see again through your eyes how beautiful this is, and how honored and appreciative you feel.
Feminine partner, see if you can actually feel the breeze moving through your heart and body as if you are in a beautiful meadow. Feel the sun, trees and animals. Let these textures of nature come through your eyes and breath as an invitation to be fully seen as the nature of all life. Feel the twinkle of the stars through your eyes, the gentle stream running through your body, your heart wet with dew, and the sun radiating and reflecting off your skin. Be an invitation for your partner to witness, like a flower filled with enough nutrients and energy that it's just about to bloom open and reveal the beauty within.
Masculine partner, as your Feminine partner brings this blossoming flower heart, the wind through their body, the sun through their skin, and the stars through their eyes, keep breathing it down as if you're breathing for both of you. So they don't have to think about breathing - they can just be this blossoming flower.
Feminine partner, as you're revealing this, imagine that your right hand could stroke your Masculine partner's heart in a way that could make them even more full, present, and embodied. Then begin to caress their heart in this way - inviting a full-bodied opening, strengthening, and deepening - as the sun, as the wind, and as a blossoming heart-flower. Feel the pleasure of bringing your partner deeper into embodied consciousness. Allow yourself to amplify this pleasure with a sound.
Masculine partner, you can smile with awe as you receive this beauty. Feel how you would do anything to make them feel safe and seen. Feel the part of you that gets more fierce and conscious the more your Feminine partner reveals and gives to you.
Feminine partner, if this fierce presence feels good, make a sound and move your body to let yourself reveal even more of the pleasure of a fully revealed heart.
Masculine partner, let your Feminine partner feel your devotion through your eyes, breath, and posture. Bring the energy of, "I've got you. You don't have to worry. I would kill for you. I would devote my life to you. I just want you to shine. I want you to be fully revealed as this beautiful, exquisite creature of love that you are."
Feminine partner, feeling the pleasure of your body as nature, imagine that you could give your Masculine partner even more of it, as if you are pressing it through the space between you, so that their body can be painted, caressed, and nourished by this pleasure - by the sighs that come through your mouth, heart, belly and the insides of your thighs.
Masculine partner, as your Feminine partner nourishes you with their pleasure, continue to let them feel, "You are so safe. You are so beautiful. I bow to you and everything you are bringing." Like a knight pledged to protect a queen. Let them feel the part of you that would give your life so that they can be fully expressed.
Feminine partner, as you feel even more of the noble truth of their commitment to you, bring your energy as a caress to their body. You can caress the front of their body, their throat, their chest, and their belly. Let them feel through your practice, the ancient, endless yearning you have carried in your heart to be seen in this way.
Masculine partner, bring the part of you that is more fierce to take care of your Feminine partner - to love them, die for them, protect them, ravish them, and devote your life to them. Press it through the space between you and into their center column. Let them feel this deep, conscious love through your body.
Then, Masculine partner, let your Feminine partner feel the part of you that has yearned to give your heart to a Feminine being, and has yearned to receive their energy so generously. Let them feel the yearning of your own heart AND the fierceness of your commitment, love, breath and presence.
Feminine partner, as you receive this, allow your body to respond - through undulating, opening, sighing, revealing more of your throat, or lifting your heart to be penetrated by the fierce, conscious yearning that they have been carrying. As a deeply generous gift, let them feel your heart receiving this commitment from them.
Masculine partner, imagine your deep breath, consciousness and heart could meet, fill and penetrate their heart and center column with love and this fierce conscious commitment.
Both of you, allow any sounds to come out and amplify the gifts and energy, in this deep beautiful exchange of fierce yearning and pleasure with the invitation to be seen.
Feminine partner, in the last few minutes, imagine your entire heart could wrap around your Masculine partner's body.
Masculine partner, imagine you could press the entire center column of your body, from the base of your body to your throat, into her, filling her heart with this fierce, deep conscious yearning.
For the last few minutes together, Feminine partner, let your Masculine partner feel how ancient your yearning is to be seen, held, pierced, and pinned is within you. Bring the beauty of nature - the rain, storms, volcanos, and stars - through the pleasure of your body with this yearning.
Masculine partner, feel how deeply you've longed to see this - how it breaks your heart, inspires you, and makes you happy to be alive and face the world. Let them feel your broken heart and your fierce love, all at the same time.
After the last few moments of deep surrender and ravishment, slowly allow the practice to soften, feeling the earth beneath you, and without dropping it. Let the movement come to stillness, but feel the pulse of the practice through both of you, sharing breath, and returning to your divinity - consciousness and love. Recognize the beauty and sacredness of what you just shared.
Feminine partner, give one final gesture of caressing or stroking your Masculine partner to soothe them.
Masculine partner, receive this final gesture - let it penetrate your heart, belly and solar plexus. Take it all the way in.
Then, Masculine partner, give one final bow to your Feminine partner, like the bow of a knight before a queen that you have sworn to protect.
Feminine partner, receive this sincere and noble offering of their heart.
Coming into eye contact one final time, spend the next few breaths connecting again in your humanity, before giving a final bow to one another.
Music: "Dolphin" by Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.
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