Sharpening Your Partner's Consciousness
For Sacred Intimacy : Partner Practices
You want to expand your capacity for depth, but no matter how much you practice, it can be difficult to measure how far you’ve come and where you can deepen even more. Regardless of gender, it can be valuable to sharpen your connection to consciousness in partnership with another practitioner so you can deepen together.
This is a masculine partner practice John taught live for both male and female practitioners in his Advanced Practice Group at the February 2020 Valentine's Intensive in Santa Monica, CA. It includes connecting to consciousness, partner breath work, staying present through distractions, and feeling consciousness and love at the same time.
Masculine practice is about connecting to the part of you that is infinite, unchanging and still, and from that place, feeling everything that is happening, and then leading your relationships and life from there. It is also about clarifying truth for the sake of freedom. Throughout this entire practice, you and your partner will hold each other in a place of consciousness.
If you want to expand your capacity for depth, find a partner and sharpen your consciousness together in this 43-minute practice.
Sitting directly in front of your partner, and looking into their left eye, immediately feel the part of you and your partner that is still and unchanging. Feel your consciousness, their consciousness, and consciousness as a whole, through the eyes of your partner.
Then ground into the earth through the root of your heart. Feel the bottom of your heart pointed down through your genitals and into the earth. And feel as if your sacrum could root deep into the rock beneath you, like a tuber or tree root. Part of being grounded in the masculine is being connected and rooted into the earth, so notice if this makes your partner more trustable.
You may have thoughts or feelings coming up, but feel again into the parts of you and your partner that are unchanging beneath all of that. Notice if there is any part of you that is clenching, such as your shoulders, hips, heart or belly, and consciously relax it.
Together in time with your partner, you will begin a breath practice in which you will inhale through an "O" mouth down into your lower abdomen and pelvic floor, and then exhale through your nose with a forceful push up through your pelvic floor. If you are pregnant or on your cycle, do the breath very gently and at half speed. While this is happening, stay connected to the part of you that is unchanging.
After 10 breaths together, exhale and hold the breath out for 20 seconds. Looking into your partner's eyes, feel the part of them that is absolutely still and unchanging. Find the place in you where thought is unnecessary. Then take a deep inhale and hold it in for 20 seconds.
You will do this practice again with the goal to not only maintain pristine consciousness within yourself, but also to sharpen your partner's consciousness with your demand for depth. Make your gaze about keeping your partner sharp. Don't let them drift into thought. Feel their consciousness as sharp as a sword.
After completing the second full round of breath, you will move into position for the "Ego Eradicator" breath practice, raising your arms to 60 degrees with your fingers pressed against the pads of your palms and thumbs cocked. You will then begin "Breath of Fire," inhaling through the nose and strongly pulling your navel to your spine, and then releasing the breath out through the nose. If you are on your cycle or pregnant, you will take long, smooth, deep breaths.
Masculine practice is about meticulousness, so focus on how you can make the pose even more meticulous. Call forth the sharpest, deepest consciousness possible in your partner. Challenge them to go deeper. You will do this practice for 6 minutes.
Then bring your thumbs to touch above your head and stretch your fingers toward the ceiling. Take a deep inhale in and hold it. Feel and witness everything happening in your and your partner's bodies from the place of unshifting, unchanging consciousness. Exhale, but hold the pose. Then inhale one more time. When you exhale, wave your arms down slowly without losing connection with your partner.
Then place your hands on your upper thighs. Close your mouth and rest your tongue gently on the roof of your mouth. Breathe with your partner, so you are both holding them and sharpening them. Feel the depth of consciousness between you - two bodies, one consciousness.
Next, John will play distracting sounds. Throughout all of this, hold firm to staying locked in with your partner. Don't lose connection. If you have to move, do so from the place of utmost consciousness. This is a practice in witnessing life from a place of depth as it tries to take you out of consciousness. Practice being grounded, rooted, and open amidst chaos.
In the last few minutes of the practice with your partner, soften your heart and allow the ache to be seen, known and felt to be included as a part of your expression. Let your heart show through your eyes without losing consciousness. Put 50% of your awareness on the infinite space that you are and the other 50% on revealing your heart's truth through your eyes and breath. Not only are you sharpening your partner's consciousness with your own, but you're also breaking their heart with your own. Let the revealing of your heart break their heart. Let them feel that beautiful blend of consciousness and love through you.
Then to complete the practice, close your eyes and bring your hands to your hearts. Feel both the part of your heart that is unchanging and the part that aches, beats and desires. Brush the front of your body gently to release the practice. Then open your eyes and offer your partner a bow to thank them for sharpening you.
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.
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