She Who Must be Ravished, He Who Must be Trusted
For Sacred Intimacy : Partner Practices
To cultivate a sustainable and ever-evolving passion in your long term relationship, sexual magnetism is paramount. But within the context of the “daily grind,” this may feel out of reach.
This is a polarity partner practice John originally led for virtual participants of the June 2020 Art of Spiritual Intimacy Online Weekend Immersion to offer one another the embodied gifts of trust and desire. It includes a yogic breath practice and erotic gifting to immediately evoke more depth and energy from one another.
If you want to create a sexual dynamic that is passionate and magnetic in the midst of your busy lifestyle, start with this 27-minute practice.
You will do this practice seated in front of your partner, looking into one another's left eyes. Then you will both begin a smooth and equal "O-mouth" breath. On the inhale, expose your heart and solar plexus forward toward your partner - imagine that your heart and solar plexus are kissing - and on the exhale, relax everything.
Masculine partner, follow the rhythm of your Feminine partner's breath. Keep it smooth, steady and connected. It is your responsibility to remember to continually come back to this breath, even if your Feminine partner is not following you. Feel deeply through the movement of your Feminine partner's body and become aware of the things happening in their body.
Feminine partner, staying within the structure of the breath, begin to let your Masculine partner feel, through your eyes and breath, the energy of "She who must be..." (completing this expression with your deepest desire; for example, "She who must be ravished," "She who must be seen," "She who must be cherished and deeply felt," "She who must be claimed and taken care of" etc.)
Masculine partner, the more she begins to show you this part of her, let her feel the part of you that is, "He who must be trusted," "He who must be followed," or "He who must be surrendered to."
After several minutes of this, both of you, let your breath slowly start to relax, close your lips, and begin to breathe naturally through your nose.
Then, Masculine partner, find your Feminine partner's breath again, and as you continue to breathe deeply, begin to take the shape of, "He who must be trusted." Feel the back of your body wide, your heart open, and show her you are a safe space for her to bring her deepest desire to this moment. Let her feel how trustable you are.
Feminine partner, as you feel your Masculine partner become more trustable, respond by letting your body take the shape of, "She who must be..." Start by allowing one part of your body to show this, like your throat, shoulders or hips, as an offering and invitation for more depth, trust and breath from your Masculine partner. Then continue to move this energy as an embodied expression of your heart's deepest desire. Amplify whatever you're giving your Masculine partner for the sake of love. At some point, you may stand up, or move your hands or hips. Let your Masculine partner feel, through your eyes, heart and body, how long you've craved this, and the deep ache of not having this yet.
Masculine partner, get deeper and wider, breathe more fully, and be a "Yes" to whatever your Feminine partner brings. Let her feel, "I love you. You're so beautiful." And bring your offering of, "He who must be trusted." Bring the energy of "I am a safe space" as an offering to all the Feminine through her.
Feminine partner, give your offering to Consciousness itself through your Masculine partner. Then, only if you want to, you can climb onto your Masculine partner's lap as "She who must be..."
Masculine partner, become deeper and more grounded, and fill her body with your heart, awareness, and consciousness.
Feminine partner, find a new way for your body to express, "She who must be..." Maybe you kneel, crawl, open your arms wide, or run your fingers through your hair. Don't hold back. Let your partner feel all of you. If you haven't made a sound yet, make a sound. Keep your eyes open and stay connected. Allow the expression of your desire to be the gift that changes your partner's life.
Masculine partner, you don't have to stay completely still - you can, for example, smile, bow or say "Yes." Let her feel through your eyes the part of you that would die to keep her safe. Worship your Feminine partner as if you're standing in front of the most beautiful ocean or jungle.
Feminine partner, begin to bring through this any emotions you are holding on to - your grief, anguish, fear, and turn-on, or your hunger and desire to be seen and known.
Masculine partner, if you want more, let your Feminine partner know through your eyes. You could even say, "More," make a gesture with your hand, get down on your knees, or grab her and pull her closer to you, inspiring her to give you more.
Feminine partner, feel the nature that wants to come through you as you continue to open more and more. Maybe you're a jungle. Or a forest. Or you feel the ocean moving through your hips. Maybe the stars come through your eyes. Or the wind comes through your breath. "I'm all there is."
Masculine partner, stay with your Feminine partner. Bring the energy of, "You're safe. I've got you."
Then, as the practice comes to a close, Feminine partner, take your time returning to your seat. Stay with each other in deep reverence and gratitude for the sincere gifts that they brought you. Find deep stillness. Feel how, at the core of each of you, is light, love, and depth. Find the place where there's no separation. Love loving love. Let that melt your heart.
One last time, Masculine partner, just through your eyes, bring, "I love you. You're so beautiful." And Feminine partner, let them see through your eyes, "I trust you. I'd follow you anywhere."
To close the practice, give each other a bow, close your eyes, bring your hands to your heart, and find something about this practice that you want to bring to the next time you make love. Then slowly open your eyes and bring the practice to a close.
"Dolphin" by Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors
"Chattra Chakkra Varti" by White Sun
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.
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