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  • This is for You, My Love

    Life inherently has challenges. Within these challenges you have choice on how you meet them. Do you clench and fight, or do you relax and soften? In these moments, do you notice how your response affects Her? Not only the She that is in front of you, but the Great She that is all around you. Can...

  • Embodied Awareness: Beyond the Body and Mind - Part 1

    Your body and mind are in constant relationship with each other. There are moments in relating where your mind unconsciously takes control of your body, and also where your body reacts without conscious thought. The meeting place of body and mind is full of potential and an invitation for more re...

  • Office Hours Group Coaching Call, May 7th

    What does it mean to be in Devotion to Love?

    There are 3 pillars to Sacred Intimacy. 1. Intimacy. This is when we recognize the human and divine in each other and how we are one. 2. Devotion to Love/Nervous System. This Requires a choice to return to love over resentment and judgment etc. 3...

  • Express Your Truth, Free Your Heart Led by Kendra Cunov

    The earth pulses, just as your heart pulses. Can you feel the connection between the two? As you begin to connect these rhythms, can you allow your body to express this conversation? Follow the pulse, connect to what is true now, express what must be said? The earth is calling to you. Can you l...

  • Embodied Wisdom: Unraveling Triggers Beyond The Story

    Trigger, story, body sensation. These three factors are linked, and yet separate. Oftentimes when we are triggered by an external force, we move directly into the story. However, when you are able to pause in the space between the trigger and the story, you can begin to feel the sensations of yo...

  • Live Embodiment Practice Call, April 18th

    Masculine Practice: Accessing Wide and Spacious Awareness

    This will be an embodied awareness practice geared toward accessing both split and wide awareness. Think, awareness of self, awareness of all that is. This is a calm practice and foundational for living a conscious life

    Led by: Max Tromb...

  • Office Hours Group Coaching Call, March 10th

    John began this call with a breath that is meant to massage your nervous system and move you towards a parasympathetic state. As you inhale, imagine you are sucking your breath in through a straw, and as you exhale allow your jaw to open in wide relaxation. Envision your breath moving through yo...

  • The Art of Giving: The Practice, Led by Kendra Cunov

    You like red movies, your partner likes blue movies and yet you continually end up watching purple movies. Often in partnership, we are unable to fully express and ask for what we truly desire, so we end up settling on something that is just ok for both of us. Are you craving a blue movie, but ar...

  • The Art of Giving: The Theory, Led by Kendra Cunov

    You like red movies, your partner likes blue movies and yet you continually end up watching purple movies. Often in partnership, we are unable to fully express and ask for what we truly desire, and so we end up settling on something that is just ok for both of us. The foundation of the Art of Gi...

  • Nourish Your Womb : Pelvic Floor Breath for the Feminine

    The womb... A place of power, creativity and purpose. But how often do you tend to her, acknowledge her, energetically nourish and love her? Can you feel your connection to her? Maybe you’re yearning to know how to find connection with, and nourish your Womb? What would be possible if your womb...

  • The Power of Reconciliation : A Discussion

    If you look back through your past, you will inevitably find that you have hurt others, and that you have been hurt by others. This is particularly true in romantic relationships. We can choose to let history remain, or we can actively shift the karma we have created within past relationships. Re...

  • The Art of Sacred Command in Service of Opening

    Learning to become attuned to our partner's nervous system and emotional state involves love and devotion. The capacity to lovingly evoke openness in them, as you notice closures, requires the skill of feeling into the moment. What makes them smile? What brings out a primal roar to clear their en...

  • Textures of Love (Part Two)

    Love is dynamic. A constant ebb and flow. We aspire to meet those ebbs and flows with the art of love. There are many ways we can open to, embrace, and touch on our individual flavors and textures in love. Some of these may be easy, habitual, or even comfortable. But often, the ones that will ...

  • Office Hours Group Coaching Call, March 12th

    John began the call with a short but powerful breath practice:
    -Place your thumbs to your pinky finger mound. Raise your arms to goal post arms (90 degrees)
    -Draw your navel to your spine and lift your heart
    -Take 18 breath in and out through pursed lips (liek your drinking through a straw)

  • Live Embodiment Practice Call: Thursday, March 7th

    All are welcome to join this solo feminine embodiment practice that is specifically designed to smooth out your nervous system through sound and movement, leaving you more relaxed, open, and nourished.

    This guided practice is a gentle exploration of adding more sound to your personal embodiment ...