Responding to Life, with Love (Part 2)
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Life has a rhythm all its own, moving in ways that can uplift and inspire us and, at other times, challenge the very core of who we are. When life flows in harmony with our desires, love feels effortless. But in moments of resistance, frustration, or grief, love can feel distant—like something just out of reach. The true invitation lies here: How do we respond to life’s unfolding, even in its most difficult moments, with a heart open to love?
In this 13-minute teaching from The Art of Sacred Intimacy, Austin, 2024, John guides participants through the practice of meeting life as it is—whether joyful or painful—and responding from a place of embodied love and unwavering truth.
If you’re ready to soften into love’s embrace, to meet life’s challenges with openness and presence, and to discover the profound gifts that arise when you choose love in every moment, this teaching offers both insight and inspiration for the journey.
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Office Hours Group Call, Jan 15th
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Responding to Life, with Love (Part 1)
Life moves on its own terms, often in ways we embrace with ease and joy, and at other times in ways that challenge our deepest truths. Love flows naturally when life aligns with our desires, yet in moments of resistance, frustration, or grief, it can feel far from reach. The invitation becomes th...