Live Embodiment Practice Call, Thursday, November 21st
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Exploring the textures of erotic and emotional pleasure - The Natural State of the Feminine
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His Deepest Heart’s Desire
As a man, asking for what you want can be overwhelming. But, standing in front of the temple priestess, tell her, what is your deepest heart's desire? How do you yearn to be gifted this desire? She knows pleasure, she knows the ways of the heart and the body. Can you trust and surrender to her kn...
Making Meaning from Nothing Projectio...
Your ego is a meaning-making machine that often results in the creation of projections related to yourself, others and the world around you. Projection is a way for our minds to protect the innocent one within us. Although many projections often contain some truth, becoming aware of and learning...
Office Hours Group Call, November 6th
There is a stark connection between problems we run into in romantic relationships and our mother/father wounds.
It is in the moments where our hearts close or we react, the whoosh of energy, and if we pull on the thread of what is truly triggering us, we can find a clear connection to the prima...