The Art of Invoking in Relationship and The World - Part 5
Expand Your Capacity for Love
In this compilation of teaching sessions from the 2021 Embodied Women’s Relationship Immersion, John offers in-the-moment teachings, yogic approaches and practices for the Feminine on how to invoke more of what they are wanting in relationship and the world through their bodies and hearts as instruments of love energy.
Example of topic in the compilation:
In one of the clips, a Feminine practitioner is explaining how their Masculine partner is in his Feminine and they are wanting his grounded Masculine presence. This requires the capacity to feel into what is needed in the moment. There could be two different possibilities. If he is in pain, you could help ground him, change his brain chemistry, stroke his chest, sooth his heart. He might be really indecisive and in this case, you could out Feminine him. That might actually help him. So maybe he asks you where you want to eat and you stay in a state of "I don't know" or of "helplessness" and then he makes suggestions and you use your Feminine Responsiveness so he knows if he is hitting the mark or not.
If you want to evoke the capacity for your Masculine partner to step up and lead then you need to respond to his success at leading you. He will bookmark this. Why? Because the Masculine wants to win. And making you happy for a man who loves you is winning for him. The Masculine wants to rack up victories. "She liked that? I will remember." But if he doesn’t know that you like it, which is the whole point of responsiveness work, he can’t bookmark this. The reason why this is important is so that in those moments, you can naturally respond to his conscious attempts at leading you or loving you or opening you. How to discern between which possibility to work with in a moment with your Masculine partner is the artistry and it requires your openness to feeling.
Highlights covered:
Invoking the Masculine from your partner
How to out feminine your partner
Letting go of your capacity to lead
Responding to his conscious attempts to lead you
Third stage practice with our children
What will liberate love in a moment
Surrendering to grief liberates peace
Feeling heartbreak and opening into freedom
Offer your partner freedom as a gift
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