I Cannot Lose Love
For The Feminine : Practices
One of the great challenges we face in our relationships is the fear of losing love. You may find that this fear hold you back, keep you small, or closes your heart, even when you want to open it. You want to believe that it could be possible to love without the fear of losing it, but perhaps you’ve been hurt so much in the past that it feels out of reach.
This is a practice led by John and Nicholette Routhier to distinguish the embodied experience between "He/She Who Might Lose Love" and "He/She Who Can't Lose Love." The capacity to be in the space of "I can't lose love" is an embodied experience and you don't have to wait to have the right person in front of you to have that experience. Love is your birthright and it is everywhere.
If you want to experience the possibility of “I Cannot Lose Love,” try this 11-minute practice.
Start standing with your eyes closed, and feeling your connection to the earth. Take some deep breaths and begin to soften your body open with every breath - the muscles around your heart, your belly, your solar plexus, your jaw and the space behind your molars, the muscles of your face and the space between your eyebrows, and your shoulders. Relax your arms down to your sides.
Then start to feel the texture in your body of "He/She Who Loses Love...Who Might Lose Love...Who Inevitably Loses Love." Feel the impact on your body as those words strike you. Begin to breathe even more fully into "I am He/She Who Loses Love." With every breath, take the shape of "He/She Who Will Lose Love." Maybe you curl into a ball, become very rigid, guard or tense your muscles, cover your face, etc. Deepen more into whatever shape you take and begin to make a sound. Let go of all thought and amplify this embodied experience of "He/She Who Will Lose Love" for 1 minute through movement, sound and the fully embodied shape.
Then keeping that shape, begin to relax the muscles around your heart, and feel into the center of your heart to the core essence/light that is always there. From that still, bright, effervescent place in the center of your heart, begin to feel the possibility of "He/She Who Can't Lose Love." Let that possibility fill your body so that you take the shape of it. Perhaps there is an unfurling or opening. Who are you now that you can't lose love? What would you do now? What would you lay on the line? What would you die for? What would you give everything for?
Allow a sound to come through this shape. Maybe the sound is even louder because you cannot lose love. Maybe it's a wild, fierce, or blissful sound. Let go of all thought and let your body take over. And why not? You can't lose love!
For the final minute of the practice, fill every cell of your body with the energy of "I cannot lose love" so that you will never be the same. Then relax the practice and bring it more subtle. Offer a bow and stand in a celebratory position of "I can't lose love." We've created our whole lives from the lie that we could somehow lose love. In this moment, feel the truth that that's not possible. Feel it in your heart. Let it drip into your belly. Let your heart smile at this new truth as you close the practice.
Music: Rakim by Dead Can Dance
Technical Note: Nicholette Routhier's volume dropped below the music at times, but we believe the transmission of the practice stands well enough on its own that we decided to make it available to the members of our Virtual Workshop.
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.
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