Pure Masculine and Pure Feminine Embodiment Practice
For The Masculine : Practices
You may have a basic understanding of Masculine and Feminine energetics, but perhaps you don’t feel confident that you can fully embody them.
In this video from John’s 2021 Teacher Training program, you will learn about "Pure Masculine Practice" and "Pure Feminine Practice" and how we are in the deepest practice when we are bringing the integrated union of the expanse of consciousness (the Masculine) and the flow of love (the Feminine). John will then guide you through two different breath practices to embody Masculine and Feminine energetics and combine them into an integrated Masculine and Feminine embodiment practice.
If you want to gain a deeply embodied understanding of the Pure Masculine and Feminine, dive into this 48-minute practice.
This video begins with a teaching introduction and a demonstration of the two breaths that you will use in this practice. The demonstration begins at 4:52. (Be sure to watch this before doing this practice for the first time.) The practice itself begins at 11:07.
"Pure Masculine Practice" at its core is resting as Consciousness as an embodied offering. Consciousness is infinite and it "just is." It is an expansiveness of awareness in which there is not a lot of need to do anything. Tantric Masculine practice is transmitting Consciousness through your breath, body, and eyes.
"Pure Feminine Practice" is tapping into the flow of cosmic energy as love and transmitting it through your body, breath, and movement.
We are in the deepest practice when we are bringing the integrated union of the expanse of consciousness (the Masculine) and the flow of love (the Feminine).
Activating, and moving from, these pure streams of Masculine and Feminine transmissions frees us from moving from patterning.
In this practice, you will work with two breaths: one that helps to amplify the infinite expanse of Consciousness (the Masculine) and one that helps to amplify the flow of energy and love (the Feminine).
In the first breath, the Masculine breath, your mouth is closed, your tongue is pressed against the roof of your mouth, and the back of your throat is wide open. You are inhaling into the back of your ribs and the back of your heart. When you try this, you should immediately feel the opening of your entire center column, from throat to genitals. Keep your jaw loose. The exhale is through slightly parted lips from your back ribs and back teeth. This exhale helps you to expand and press out whatever you are working with. In this practice, you will be pressing out Consciousness.
In the second breath, the Feminine breath, your throat and jaw are wide open. Again, the inhale is from the back of your ribs and back of your heart. On the exhale, your tongue is pressed against the roof of your mouth. You should feel warmth wafting up from your heart to your brain. Pause at the bottom of the exhale to wait until your body tells you to inhale again. While the Masculine breath is very linear, this Feminine breath is more organic. This breath is called the "Primordial Breath" and was taught to John by Cass Phelps. It is a quick entryway into the parasympathetic nervous system.
Begin standing for a Qi Gong "Tree of Life" practice. Form light fists with your hands and twist from the base of your body (i.e. your sacrum; not from your shoulders), inhaling left and exhaling right, allowing your fists to slap against your lower abdomen to wake up your body. The more Chi you have in your body, the more you can connect to Consciousness.
Move up your abdomen, then underneath your collarbone, up to your neck, and back down. You can look over your shoulders if you want more twist, wringing out your entire nervous system. Make a sound on your exhales. Let go of any tension or stress that you're holding.
After a few minutes of this, bring it to a close and bring your arms down by your sides. Notice if you can feel more Chi, more energy, awakened in your body. Then take light fists again and pound up and down your back from your kidneys down to your waist.
Then, with big, wide, open hands, slap hard from your kidneys and down the outsides of your legs to your ankles. Then slap up the insides of your legs to your groin. Do this twice more - down from your kidneys along the outsides of your legs, and up the insides of your legs from your ankles to your groin.
Then lightly close your firsts again. Bounce and alternate pounding on your "leg gates" (hip joints) and insides of your thighs with each bounce. After several of these, bring that to a close and stand again with your arms by your sides. Relax your breath. Notice if your body is more awake, more alive, and if there is more energy there.
Next, form a light fist with your right hand and slap up your left arm to your shoulder and back down again. Then slap from the armpit down your ribs and back up a few times. Then do the same with the other side.
Next, lightly beat your chest with your fists, up and down your heart area. Then move down to your belly and the sides of your belly. Then, come up to your face and slap gently with open hands. Then slap up and down the back and sides of your neck with open hands. Complete this part of the practice with one slap with both open hands just below your navel.
For the next part of the practice, sit in a comfortable meditative position, preferably cross-legged on a cushion on the floor, if you can. Extend your arms out to the sides with your fingers pointing down towards the floor. Imagine you could press the base of your palm into the walls beside you.
Draw your navel in. Press your feet and sacrum into the earth. Then begin the first breath, with your mouth closed, your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth, your jaw loose, and the back of your throat wide open. Inhale into the back of your ribs and the back of your heart. Exhale through slightly parted lips from your back ribs and back teeth. This is a "hot breath," so it should feel like it is generating heat in your body.
Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Feel your awareness getting wide. Keep dropping into the expanse of Consciousness, wherever you feel it. Make the back of your ribs and heart strong, with your chest, heart, and awareness opening. Feel yourself as the infinite expanse of Consciousness and begin to rest as that reality. If a thought comes, let it come, but keep dropping into this infinite expanse of Consciousness that permeates all existence. Feel how it "just is." Let your awareness spread out to the edges of the cosmos. The very core of you. The very core of the cosmos. It needs nothing. It's not trying to get anywhere.
After several minutes, begin to press this Consciousness out through your palms and chest, as if it is a deep, infinite, beautiful mist. Use your exhale to expand and press this infinite space of Consciousness at the core of you out through your palms, your wide-open chest, your breath, and through every pore of your body.
Focus. Focus on your breath. Focus on your awareness. Train yourself. From your center column, from throat to perineum, you are widening as the infinite expanse of Consciousness.
In the final minute of this part of the practice, keep getting wider, as if your arms are being gently pulled open out into space. Feel how this exists in all directions - up, down, forward, back, side to side, 360 degrees. Consciousness just is.
Then slowly begin to transition into the second breath, the Primordial Breath. Breathe in through your wide-open throat and jaw from the back of your ribs and heart. Exhale with your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth and send your breath wafting up from your heart to your brain, filling your brain with heart energy. Pause at the bottom of the exhale to wait until your body tells you to inhale again.
Bring your awareness off the great expanse of Consciousness and place it on the flow of energy from your heart up to your brain. On your exhales, begin to let your fingers do whatever they want. You don't have to keep them pointing toward the floor, but instead, let them be a part of this heart-flow on your exhales. Let this heart-flow exhale dictate to your fingers how to move or caress the air in a way that expresses the flow of love-energy from your heart moving out. Maybe your body starts to move a little bit from side to side. Follow whatever feels right.
Let your exhale amplify this heart energy out through your entire body. Let your inhale be like breathing in the flow of love that is always at the essence of life. Feel as if the cosmic flow of love is starting to breathe you. Feel your body's rhythm surrendering to this cosmic flow of love.
After a few minutes, you can remove your tongue from the roof of your mouth on your exhales and let them be whatever you want them to be. With your eyes staying closed, move in a way that feels good and amplifies this flow of love through your body. You might roll your head, your arms might open up like wings, you might start to undulate your spine, or you might make sounds that amplify this flow of love.
On your inhales, plug into this cosmic flow of energy that is love, breathe it into your heart, and then let your heart expand out through your body on your exhales. Feel your arms, legs, shoulders, and every part of your body opening wide.
If it feels good, find your way to the floor or onto your hands and knees. Follow whatever the flow of love wants to do. Keep your breath deep. Let the flow of love move you, instead of you being in charge—just breathe and let your body move in some way that amplifies this flow of love. Don't move in the way you always do. Does a sound amplify it? Does a moan amplify it?
Feel as though there is no difference between you and the cosmos. You are expanding in a beautiful, mystic, and natural way. You are the starlight streaming through space. You are the galaxies expanding. You are the rivers flowing. On your inhale, feel the flow of love that your body is naturally flowing into, and on your exhale, let your body express it, in a movement, breath, or sound. Then let your body ask for the inhale.
Begin to let the flow of love take you. Surrender to it. Feel how both gentle and strong it is. Like a big, beautiful ocean current, you just need to relax into it and it moves you. Keep going deeper. Let every breath be fresh. Let each movement be the expression of the flow of love. Do not move until you can feel it moving you.
For the last 5 minutes of the practice, slowly bring this movement into the structure of the "Cat Cow." Come onto your hands and knees, inhale with your head coming up and arching your back, and exhale rounding your spine and bringing your chin to your chest. Begin to feel the expanse of Consciousness that is there with the flow of love. Feel both the infinite Consciousness that just is, and the flow of love moving through you. Feel this beautiful marriage of Consciousness and Love, and make it yours. Let them unite in each movement and each breath. Let every exhale be from Conscious Love.
Keep 50% of your awareness on the infinite expanse of Consciousness and 50% on the flow of love, as you move in a way that amplifies, honors, and celebrates them. Amplify all of your senses. Transmit what you already are.
Then let your body come to stillness. Find yourself in a seated position. Before you open your eyes, drop back in and feel both the pulse of love deep in your heart and the infinite expanse of Consciousness that you already are.
"The Blessing" by Essie Jain
"Aftermath #02" by AES DANA
"Rosa" by Rainer Scheurenbrand
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.
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