Live Embodiment Practice Call, Thursday, Sept. 19th
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This month's Feminine Embodiment is
focused on “Elements of Desire" - exploring the embodiment magic of Earth, Water, Fire & Air.”
Led by Jeni Houston - Polarity,
Relationship & Embodiment Coach.
Certified in Feminine Embodiment.
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Ironman Breath
When your mind feels heavy and cluttered, and the usual tools just aren’t cutting through the fog, it’s easy to feel stuck and frustrated. The Iron Breath practice is designed to pierce through that mental noise, giving you the clarity and calm you've been searching for when nothing else seems to...
Sacredly Owning Your Desire - Part 2
Do you have desires and needs that you have been told are too big, unacceptable or confusing? Have you pushed them aside, but deep down you can still feel them there, clawing, poking and yearning to be acknowledged and felt? The good news is, it’s not too late to bring your desires into the light...
Office Hours Group Call, September 10th
Short practice: Feel the base and backside of your body. Breath in these spaces and feel it widen.
Grounding is from the base of the body, opening from the heart, widen from the side body.
Put it all together in a few breaths and bookmark it as a place to return to.
One of the great skills is ...