Office Hours Group Call, September 10th
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1h 31m
Short practice: Feel the base and backside of your body. Breath in these spaces and feel it widen.
Grounding is from the base of the body, opening from the heart, widen from the side body.
Put it all together in a few breaths and bookmark it as a place to return to.
One of the great skills is the skill to self regulate - how quickly and efficiently clearly can we do it. Can we get back to a space of NS equilibrium. If you practice it you can get back pretty fast.
1. Follow up on a past conversation with John on Repair and Reconciliation.
Build trust by continually giving space for repair.
Here is where you are right Part 1:
Here is where you are right part 2:
Step by step guide to repair:
2. Pain around men not showing up for her
Tend to the little one within - really feel her - what does she need?
Triggered - be aware of what is activated and love that part and be your own parent for that part.
We magnetize from the deepest unprocessed wounds.
The answer is to always go in first and then communicate it kindly, clearly and honestly to your partner so they know what you are going through so they can adjust and support.
It's just physics
3. Ex partner keeps coming into her mind in a new relationship.
Working on a reconciliation and got to a point that was unforgivable.
Feel the one is you that is livid about that and let her be in anguish.
When you own it it loosens the hold it has on you - that is part of what you can take control of in the reconciliation.
If you don't know what your childhood wounds are, just go with what is triggering you right now and it will most likely lead you there.
4. Tendency to react with anger when his partner asks him questions - especially when he is working and connected to his purpose.
What is beneath the anger?
What was stifled in your childhood?
5. Setting boundaries when reconnecting with an ex - making up what he thinks she wants.
Capacity to remain in your truth and stay out of projection.
Our projections are based on their traumas not theirs
there may be truth in the projection but there may not be
one step at a time.
Let trust rebuild - what are you here for - what would you need to trust her more? It's ok for trust to take time.
6. As trouble recognizing anger as anger and widening as anger rather than blasting it.
Recognize what is happening in your body when you feel into anger.
The body will tell you when anger is rising. It's easy to see it when you are not in the moment but more difficult when it is happening and we are in the adaptive child.
Instead of blowing up - narrate to your partner what you are noticing - "I think I am angry"
Start to understand your body cues and slow down.
Honest but not combative.
HIghy feminine women will need to cultivate masculine capacity to hold the awareness and shepard the wild feminine heart.
7. Working on his own dark sexual energy - feels that he is holding back part of himself from not letting this be expressed.
Let yourself go into it - envision what you want to do with your partner.
Use the exhale to spread the energy - inhale breathe it in.
Do this while masturbating.
8. Rebuilding trust - how to manage doubt from self or partner.
Choose the woman who chooses you - Is she choosing me?
If yes, work through the stuff that needs to be worked through. Lean into what you need to trust each other more.
His and her feminine and masculine need certain things to trust each other - get clear on it.
"I would need you to..."
Flipped polarity prolonged can create pain (80/20 is a good balance).
Consciousness is required.
Make your life not about her or the relationship. Get busy creating a life you're inspired by. If she wants to be part of it she will make it known.
9. Seperating with partner
Don't give mixed feelings.
Give yourself time and then get right with God.
6 month minimum Feminine cleanse - very intentional - don't do it half ass.
10. Doing practice with expectation.
Pelvic Floor Breath
Pelvic Floor Breath for the Feminine
Advanced Pelvic Floor Breath
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Office Hours Group Call, September 5th
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It tends to get confused - let's simplify it down to its Essence.
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