Office Hours Group Call, December 3rd
Recently Added
1h 31m
What does it mean to maintain a sense of intimacy with yourself that is not codependent or externally validated and what does that look like as a practice?
It is literal, ie; Become aware and more intimate with your breath. Put your awareness into the flow of breath.
Discussion with Community:
1. Follow up on previous discussion on the desire to have more sexual nourishment from his partner.
2. Guidance around Masculine Cleanse and Reconciliation.
3. Partnership has dissolved. How do you know if it is over and how do you move on?
4. Curiosity about the energetic opening of the front of the body and energetic leaning back.
5. Excavating truth around relationships and how we show up in our family dynamics.
6. Desire to be more in her feminine (feels as though time away from her children would be helpful)
7. How to lead a loving repair conversation?
8. Feeling small and closed after seeing ex unexpectedly. The Grief and little girl.
9. Giving love with boundaries and respect in challenging situations.
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