Occurring World: Which Wolf do you Feed?
Expand Your Capacity for Love
You always have a choice on how you view the world, and how you think it interacts with you. The perspective you choose to attach to and fixate on becomes your Occuring World, which John describes as the Wolf You Feed. Does it seem like the world is working with you or against you? Are relationships easy or consistently challenging? Do you wish you could change how you are showing up in the world?
Examples of common Occurring Worlds:
• They can’t meet me
• They resent my need for freedom
• They think I am too much
• They demand all of my time
• They always leave me
In this compilation of teaching sessions from the March 2023 Embodied Women’s Relationship Immersion in Boulder Colorado, John describes the science and embodiment of Occurring Worlds and by working with participants in real time, demonstrates how to work with, identify, and shift your Occurring World. Your Occuring World is the lens through which you have been experiencing life. What might happen if you shift your Occurring World? Look through a different lens? Feed the other wolf? Instead of “They think I am too much” what if you shifted your perspective and looked through the lens of “They want all of my range and radiance”?
If you are looking to shift your perspective and relate to the world around you in a more powerful way, this 48 minute video will support you in this transformation.
Note: A few times during the recording, John refers to a podcast that the women were asked to listen to prior to this Q&A session. It was called “How your beliefs shape your reality” on The Human Brain Podcast.
You can also work your way through the journal questions below to identify and shift your Occuring World Perspective:
1. Complete an inventory of the Occuring Worlds that show up in your life (see examples below and throughout the compilation) :
2. Choose the Occuring World that feels most relevant to you at this moment.
a. How does this occurring world show up in your body (Ie. Are your shoulders hunched forward, do you look down, do you feel tightness in your hips, a pebble in your throat, heat in your solar plexus)?
b. How does this occurring world affect your intimate, personal and business Relationships?
3. How would things change in your life if you were able to shift your Occuring World, look through a different lens, feed the other wolf?
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