Expand Your Capacity for Love
2m 37s
John covers the motivation and scope of the series, who it is for and how to use it for optimal results. The three parts of this series have been broken into 7 weeks of practice with Part 1: Breath and Embodiment in Weeks 1-3, Part 2: Clarifying Your Deepest Purpose in Weeks 4-5, and Part 3: Relational Practice in Weeks 6-7. John will suggest specific regimens of practice for each week.
Up Next in Expand Your Capacity for Love
Wim Hof and Goddess Form Practice
In this practice, from The Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion 2021, John leads feminine practitioners in a Masculine breath practice similar to the Wim Hof method. Three rounds of this breathing are followed by a 2-Part Breath series. To close the session, John leads an Embodied Goddess Form...
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