Expand Your Capacity for Love

Expand Your Capacity for Love

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Expand Your Capacity for Love
  • Opening as Relaxation and Pleasure

    The following practice was recorded live by John Wineland for his proprietary The Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion 2022. All rights reserved.

    In this practice, from The Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion 2021, John leads feminine practitioners into a gentle energy integration practic...

  • Amplifying Consciousness and Awareness as a Masculine Gift

    In this practice, from Valentine's Day Immersion 2021, John leads masculine practitioners into a breath practice called Wim Hof followed by a standing/grounding meditation and ending with Chi Generator in order to cultivate a deeper connection to consciousness and expand awareness, as Masculine g...

  • The Art of Invoking in Relationship and The World - Part 2

    In this compilation of teaching sessions from the 2021 Embodied Women’s Relationship Immersion, John offers in-the-moment teachings, yogic approaches and practices for the Feminine on how to invoke more of what they are wanting in relationship and the world through their bodies and hearts as inst...

  • Loving Her Soul

    The following practice was recorded live by John Wineland for his proprietary Art of Spiritual Intimacy. All rights reserved.
    In this practice, from the December 2020 Art of Spiritual Intimacy, John leads the masculine into “loving her soul” through the feminine’s range of first, second, and th...

  • This is for You, My Love

    Life inherently has challenges. Within these challenges you have choice on how you meet them. Do you clench and fight, or do you relax and soften? In these moments, do you notice how your response affects Her? Not only the She that is in front of you, but the Great She that is all around you. Can...

  • Express Your Truth, Free Your Heart Led by Kendra Cunov

    The earth pulses, just as your heart pulses. Can you feel the connection between the two? As you begin to connect these rhythms, can you allow your body to express this conversation? Follow the pulse, connect to what is true now, express what must be said? The earth is calling to you. Can you l...

  • Embodied Wisdom: Unraveling Triggers Beyond The Story

    Trigger, story, body sensation. These three factors are linked, and yet separate. Oftentimes when we are triggered by an external force, we move directly into the story. However, when you are able to pause in the space between the trigger and the story, you can begin to feel the sensations of yo...

  • Nourish Your Womb : Pelvic Floor Breath for the Feminine

    The womb... A place of power, creativity and purpose. But how often do you tend to her, acknowledge her, energetically nourish and love her? Can you feel your connection to her? Maybe you’re yearning to know how to find connection with, and nourish your Womb? What would be possible if your womb...

  • The Power of Reconciliation : A Discussion

    If you look back through your past, you will inevitably find that you have hurt others, and that you have been hurt by others. This is particularly true in romantic relationships. We can choose to let history remain, or we can actively shift the karma we have created within past relationships. Re...

  • The Art of Sacred Command in Service of Opening

    Learning to become attuned to our partner's nervous system and emotional state involves love and devotion. The capacity to lovingly evoke openness in them, as you notice closures, requires the skill of feeling into the moment. What makes them smile? What brings out a primal roar to clear their en...

  • Textures of Love (Part Two)

    Love is dynamic. A constant ebb and flow. We aspire to meet those ebbs and flows with the art of love. There are many ways we can open to, embrace, and touch on our individual flavors and textures in love. Some of these may be easy, habitual, or even comfortable. But often, the ones that will ...

  • Textures of Love (Part One)

    Love is dynamic. A constant ebb and flow. We aspire to meet those ebbs and flows with our practice in the art of love. There are many ways we can open to, embrace, and touch on our individual flavors and textures in love. Some of these may be easy, habitual, or even comfortable. But, often the o...

  • Receive The Goddess: Holotropic Breath Practice

    The feminine wants nothing more than to fill you with love and nourishment. The challenge for the masculine in receiving these gifts, is closure. When you can find depth of breath, you are able to move past habitual closure and allow your heart to open in deep gratitude to all the love you have e...

  • Leave It Behind

    Throughout life we develop and accumulate beliefs and behaviors that have served and protected us. There often comes a time, when you start to feel that some of these ways no longer serve you, your relationships or how you see the world. What would be more available to you if you could embody a n...

  • Ask, Express, Receive: The Art of Loving (Part Two)

    Do you find yourself yearning to bring the truth of your heart to your partner but you don’t know how? Have you ever expressed the fullness of your emotions to only be met with confusion, shock or rejection? When was the last time you brought a desire to your partner without needing anything in ...

  • Be the Rock: Pelvic Floor Breath from The Heart of the Desert

    Breath is Life Force. Breath is Presence. But for many men, breathing is something that is done unconsciously, shallow and high in the chest, blocking their power, the flow of love and their ability to relax into presence. Your partner and the world respond to the depth of your breath and thu...

  • Ask, Express, Receive: The Art of Loving (Part One)

    Do you find yourself yearning to bring the truth of your heart to your partner, but you don’t know how? Have you ever expressed the fullness of your emotions to only be met with confusion, shock or rejection? When was the last time you brought a desire to your partner without needing anything in...

  • Revitalizing Morning Practice - Expand your Capacity to Receive

    Morning. The way you start your day can shift the way the rest of your day flows. If you have been struggling to find vitality, expansion and celebration in your morning, more ease, capacity and steadiness in your day, a practice based around movement and breath can quickly shift your state and h...

  • Touch the Miracle of This Moment

    Life moves fast. You may feel, at times, disconnected from your heart and the world around you, confused about which direction to turn next or that you can't seem to slow down the pace. You sense this vortex within and around you and have a desire to drop into stillness and feel the truth of the...

  • In Pursuit of Liberating Love Relating to The Masculine Part Two

    Deeper understanding of self and deeper understanding of our chosen partner (or future partner if you are single) leads to a more connected, sacred, loving, and intimate relationship. This series of videos will help you to unravel some of the mysteries of the Masculine.

    Recorded at the March 202...

  • In Pursuit of Liberating Love Relating to The Masculine : Part 1

    Deeper understanding of self and deeper understanding of our chosen partner (or future partner if you are single) leads to a more connected, sacred, loving, and intimate relationship. This series of videos will help you to unravel some of the mysteries of the Masculine.

    Recorded at the March 202...

  • Being a Yes to Everything : The Dance of Love and Consciousness

    Note: There are some places in this recording where the audio pops. We corrected it as best we could. Hopefully it will be minimally distracting to your practice.

    For the Feminine: The gift for you in this practice is a feeling of profound acceptance; being witnessed in love as you reveal the un...

  • Embodied Yes, Embodied No, Closed Heart, Open Heart

    Most of us have long-formed ways that we close our hearts. It can be difficult to cultivate a felt sense of the difference between a closed and open heart, especially when you are only beginning to become aware of your habitual closures. You want to learn how to fully express your truth with an o...

  • Cultivating Feminine Energetic Capacity • Part One: Lover and Warrior

    You have been exploring feminine practice for some time and you are beginning to integrate your feminine expression in your life. Now you want to take it to the next level by expanding your feminine range, and you are aware of the depth of practice that can come through the reflection and encoura...