Expand Your Capacity for Love

Expand Your Capacity for Love

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Expand Your Capacity for Love
  • Cultivating Feminine Energetic Capacity • Part Two: Pleasure and Yearning

    You have been exploring feminine practice for some time and you are beginning to integrate your feminine expression in your life. Now you want to take it to the next level by expanding your feminine range, and you are aware of the depth of practice that can come through the reflection and encoura...

  • Cultivating Feminine Energetic Capacity • Part Three: Devotion and Darkness

    You have been exploring feminine practice for some time and you are beginning to integrate your feminine expression in your life. Now you want to take it to the next level by expanding your feminine range, and you are aware of the depth of practice that can come through the reflection and encoura...

  • Wild Man. Zen Warrior. Receptive Lover. Fierce Devotion.

    You have been developing your Masculine embodiment practice, but you want to take it even further and expand your energetic range to be able to face anything that comes your way.

    In this practice that John originally led for his 2020 Embodied Men's Leadership Training in Mount Shasta, you will b...

  • Becoming Love: Embodying Your Goddess Form and Receiving Divine Masculine Love

    You are a woman who has been maintaining a consistent feminine practice for at least several months. You feel tapped into the pulse of love and have begun to open as love, but you are ready to deepen your practice even more.

    This is a feminine practice originally led by John and Nicholette Routh...

  • Feel, Express, Give - Part One

    Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...

  • Feel, Express, Give - Part Two

    Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...

  • Feel, Express, Give - Part Three

    Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...

  • Feel, Express, Give - Part Four

    Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...

  • Feel, Express, Give - Part Five

    Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...

  • Feel, Express, Give - Part Six

    Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...

  • Feel, Express, Give - Part Seven

    Many women hide their truth, feelings, and who they really are without being aware of it. They develop habits and behaviors that feel like their “truth” or “authentic self” but, instead, are a shell that they hide behind. You want to learn how to embody and express the truth of your heart, but th...

  • Life and Death Practice

    You are an advanced practitioner who is ready to take your practice to the next level. You have begun the work of integrating your Masculine and Feminine, and you want to expand the capacity of your practice to tap into the universal forces of Life and Death.

    This practice led by John and Nichol...

  • Dark Energy

    You are a woman who knows that feminine energy isn’t all “love and light.” You want to expand your range of feminine expression and explore dark energy, but you don’t want to abandon your heart. Instead, you want to learn how to express dark energy as an offering of love.

    In this feminine practi...

  • Opening the Top of Your Heart

    To most men, a deep, clear, and grounded presence with an open, activated heart feels unsustainable. You want to maintain an open-hearted presence, but that feels out of reach, especially in the face of life’s storms.

    These are a few practices to open and purify the top of your heart. John will...

  • Vase Breath

    You want to deepen your personal embodiment practice because you know it’ll improve your trustability in your life and relationships, but you find yourself becoming stuck when it comes to breathing deeply. Put simply, your breath feels shallow and you struggle to deepen it enough to keep up with ...

  • Celebrating The Vibration of Love

    You are a woman who has been practicing feminine embodiment for some time and you’re ready to deepen even more. Perhaps you love the possibility of being able to seemlessly move from however you’re feeling in any moment to a sacred expression of the pulse of love that moves through us all. You wa...

  • From the Depths of Your Blue Sky Heart - Part One

    You feel inspired by the work of embodiment, polarity, and masculine/feminine energetics, but you are unsure how to integrate it into your life.

    In this compilation of teaching sessions from the 2020 Advance Practice Group, John describes ways to deepen your practice through the fullness of life...

  • From the Depths of Your Blue Sky Heart - Part Two

    You feel inspired by the work of embodiment, polarity, and masculine/feminine energetics, but you are unsure how to integrate it into your life.

    In this compilation of teaching sessions from the 2020 Advance Practice Group, John describes ways to deepen your practice through the fullness of life...

  • From The Depths Of Your Blue Sky Heart - Part Three

    You feel inspired by the work of embodiment, polarity, and masculine/feminine energetics, but you are unsure how to integrate it into your life.

    In this compilation of teaching sessions from the 2020 Advance Practice Group, John describes ways to deepen your practice through the fullness of life...

  • From the Depths of Your Blue Sky Heart - Part Four

    You feel inspired by the work of embodiment, polarity, and masculine/feminine energetics, but you are unsure how to integrate it into your life.

    In this compilation of teaching sessions from the 2020 Advance Practice Group, John describes ways to deepen your practice through the fullness of life...

  • Practice for Moving Fluidly Between Masculine and Feminine Energies

    You might have access to both the masculine and feminine energetics within you, but perhaps you feel out of control and unable to call upon them when you need them. There are times in your life in which you want to act more from your masculine or more from your feminine, but you don’t feel empowe...

  • I Cannot Lose Love

    One of the great challenges we face in our relationships is the fear of losing love. You may find that this fear hold you back, keep you small, or closes your heart, even when you want to open it. You want to believe that it could be possible to love without the fear of losing it, but perhaps you...

  • Breath Practice for Opening Your Heart and Center Column

    You might want to be able to hold more energy, but it becomes stuck, making it difficult to move, let alone expand.

    In this short practice, John teaches a pranayam breath to open and create more space in your heart and the center column of your body. This practice is very active and asks you to ...

  • Strengthen, Sensitize, and Expand Nervous System Capacity

    Most men make it a goal to be able to hold massive amounts of feminine energy in an intimate moment. You want to be able to expand your nervous system capacity to sustain your intimacy and keep the passion flowing for as long as possible.

    In this practice that John originally led for Masculine p...