The Root of Your Heart, The Pulse of the Earth, & The Expression of Your Desire
For The Feminine : Practices
As a woman, it can be difficult to touch the true expression of your feminine energy. You crave to feel more connected to your own pleasure and desire. But perhaps they feel challenging to fully claim through your body, let alone reveal to your beloved.
This feminine practice led by Nicholette Routhier, Erin Kinney, and Ali Kegley Kole for the 2020 Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion, guides you through a journey to connect to the feelings in the root of your heart, move with pleasure while feeling the pulse of the earth in Earth Communion Cat Cow, and express your desire, yearning and beauty through movement and mantra.
If you want to embody a deep expression of your feminine pleasure and desire, try this 20-minute practice.
Prior to your practice, prepare a comfortable and private practice space, such as a mat, rug or sheepskin, that will allow you to relax and move your body freely with your eyes closed. Also prior to your practice, prepare a 20-minute playlist and set aside an uninterrupted period of time in which you can stay in practice the entire time. You will be guided to begin your music at the beginning of the recording, and then you will start seated on the floor.
Below are the songs used during the live practice if you would like to follow along with the playlist:
Heart Chakra by Beautiful Chorus
Alfa by Mop Mop
Euphoria by Stalgia
Insitarament by Binary One
The Light by The Album Leaf
Begin seated, breathe deeply, and settle onto the ground. Feel your sits bones making nice, sturdy contact with the floor. Feel the walls around you and the ceiling above you, holding you. Allow yourself to be completely held in this moment, in the womb that is your space. Fill that space with your breath, exactly as you are right now. If there is a way you could sit that would make the practice even more comfortable, pleasurable, and easeful, shift until you have found it.
Feel into your heart, beginning with the top of your heart—the light, vibrant part of your heart. You might be able to access your feelings there and notice what sensations are there. On your next exhale, give those feelings a sound. Continue that on your next few exhales. Inhale and then exhale on a sound, expressing whatever you are feeling.
Begin to actively press those feelings down into the rich, deep root of your heart. Make a sound from that place. If it would help, you can use your hands to encourage the feelings down into the root of your heart. Or any other movement that would help you to access the feelings more deeply. Or no movement at all. Keep sounding. Keep breathing.
As you are pressing those feelings down, begin to root them down even further into your cervix and womb area. Take a few solid deep breaths here, grounding into the connection of heart to cervix.
Then begin to make your way onto hands and knees.
Find the structure of your Cat Cow and find your breath within this structure. Feeling your hands and knees on the earth, begin to find the rhythm of the natural undulation of your spine in concert with your inhale and exhale.
Staying with this natural rhythm, begin to find what feels good in your body in this moment. Breathe deeply into that pleasure while staying connected to the earth and your body's unique natural rhythm. Allow the pulse of the earth that is already moving through you to inform your next move and what feels good. Honor what feels good to you in this moment and amplify it with your breath. Stay connected to the root of your heart.
Begin to feel into what you desire—your deepest desire in love. Use your breath and movement to amplify your desire, and even speak your desire out loud as you move.
As you continue to move as that which you desire, begin to repeat the mantra, "My desire is magnetic." Speak it out loud as you allow the expression of your desire to radiate out through your body, breath and sound. Letting your heart beat the pulse of love through your body, amplify this mantra through your body. Maybe you sigh it out, moan it out, or growl it out. As you speak it, claim it. Amplify it even more. Be it and be inhabited and taken by it. Trust that the embodied expression of "My desire is magnetic" does magnetize that which you desire.
Then begin to feel your yearning. Feeling how you yearn for this desire, repeat the mantra, "My yearning is magnetic." Let your movement shift to express your deepest yearning. How does your body become an embodied offering to love, and for this love for which you yearn? As you whisper, shout, drink in and radiate out, "My yearning is magnetic," let this yearning rise up through your body. Let it amplify. How deeply can you surrender to the deep ache? Let your movement spread out into the universe like a beacon or a signal, calling to you through your own magnetic expression of your yearning.
Then inhale and exhale with the mantra, "I am beautiful. I am so beautiful." Speak this mantra through your body and your breath. Express it through your body to honor your beauty. Is there a touch? A wiggle? A shake? Surrender to the mantra and let yourself believe it. Maybe feel how your Queen or your Wild One would express, declare and inhabit, "I am so beautiful."
In the last few moments of the practice, find the subtle expression of these mantras. Then offer yourself a gesture or a bow to bring the practice to a close. With this final expression, utter or breathe, "May it be so."
For a similar flavor of practice, try the Feminine Desire Mantra Movement Practice ( and Earth Communion Cat Cow Practice (
Disclaimer: Although anyone may find this practice to be useful, it is made available with the understanding that we are not engaged in presenting specific medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in this practice intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, sexual or spiritual problem. Each individual has unique needs and this practice cannot take these individual differences into account. Each person should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure, or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, therapist or other competent professional. Any person suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or any local illness of his or her sexual organs should consult a medical doctor and a qualified instructor of sexual yoga before practicing the sexual methods described in this practice.
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