For The Feminine : Practices

For The Feminine : Practices

For The Feminine : Practices
  • The Root of Your Heart, The Pulse of the Earth, & The Expression of Your Desire

    As a woman, it can be difficult to touch the true expression of your feminine energy. You crave to feel more connected to your own pleasure and desire. But perhaps they feel challenging to fully claim through your body, let alone reveal to your beloved.

    This feminine practice led by Nicholette ...

  • I Cannot Lose Love

    One of the great challenges we face in our relationships is the fear of losing love. You may find that this fear hold you back, keep you small, or closes your heart, even when you want to open it. You want to believe that it could be possible to love without the fear of losing it, but perhaps you...

  • Practice for Moving Fluidly Between Masculine and Feminine Energies

    You might have access to both the masculine and feminine energetics within you, but perhaps you feel out of control and unable to call upon them when you need them. There are times in your life in which you want to act more from your masculine or more from your feminine, but you don’t feel empowe...

  • Celebrating The Vibration of Love

    You are a woman who has been practicing feminine embodiment for some time and you’re ready to deepen even more. Perhaps you love the possibility of being able to seemlessly move from however you’re feeling in any moment to a sacred expression of the pulse of love that moves through us all. You wa...

  • Bringing Masculine Structure to Feminine Energy

    You are a woman who craves to be able to hold herself through the fullest expression of your own feminine heart. You don’t want to make yourself less available to be held by your beloved, but rather, you’d like to cultivate the sovereignty to do it yourself, so you can attend to their nervous sys...

  • Revealing Pleasure, Yearning, and Your Deep Heart's Truth

    As a woman, you may find that your Feminine energy feels like a lot more than you or anyone you love can hold. Whether it’s pleasure, desire, anguish, fear, grief, or love, you may fear to fully express it at the risk of being “too much.” You want to let your Feminine truth flow, but you don’t kn...

  • Dark Energy

    You are a woman who knows that feminine energy isn’t all “love and light.” You want to expand your range of feminine expression and explore dark energy, but you don’t want to abandon your heart. Instead, you want to learn how to express dark energy as an offering of love.

    In this feminine practi...

  • Consciousness, What Should I Do Now?

    It can be terrifying for most women to trust and surrender their body and deep heart to the Masculine. This makes sense as there is a long history of pain and abuse of the Feminine gifts, so these must be treasured, cherished, and preserved for a Masculine partner who is truly trustable. But perh...

  • Becoming Sea Kelp

    As a woman, you may feel a deep yearning to connect to your Feminine core, that which is pure love light with an eternal desire to be given. You may desire to let this love flow as an expression of desire, but you may not be sure what that could look like.

    In this practice John originally led f...

  • Breathe, Move, Feel. Become The Mountain. Become The Cosmos.

    You are a man who wants to learn how to create healthy containers for the expression of your feminine. You may have even heard the term “husband your own feminine” from John and want to learn how to hold the fullness of your feminine energy, but you are not sure where to start.

    This is a feminin...

  • Life and Death Practice

    You are an advanced practitioner who is ready to take your practice to the next level. You have begun the work of integrating your Masculine and Feminine, and you want to expand the capacity of your practice to tap into the universal forces of Life and Death.

    This practice led by John and Nichol...

  • Clearing, Cleansing, Nourishing

    For many of us, holding and supporting those we love, and ourselves, can feel taxing and draining. After difficult emotional times, you might find yourself becoming irritated, tense, or exhausted. You may love supporting and holding space, but you want to find a way to sooth your own nervous syst...

  • Becoming Love: Embodying Your Goddess Form and Receiving Divine Masculine Love

    You are a woman who has been maintaining a consistent feminine practice for at least several months. You feel tapped into the pulse of love and have begun to open as love, but you are ready to deepen your practice even more.

    This is a feminine practice originally led by John and Nicholette Routh...

  • Self Appreciation Practice

    You know that you have a heart of true devotion, but before you share it with those you love, you want to bring it fully to yourself. You feel the power in devoting your practice to nourishing and appreciating yourself, but you are not sure how to begin.

    This is a practice originally led by Ali ...

  • Pure Masculine and Pure Feminine Embodiment Practice

    You may have a basic understanding of Masculine and Feminine energetics, but perhaps you don’t feel confident that you can fully embody them.

    In this video from John’s 2021 Teacher Training program, you will learn about "Pure Masculine Practice" and "Pure Feminine Practice" and how we are in t...

  • Embodied Yes, Embodied No, Closed Heart, Open Heart

    Most of us have long-formed ways that we close our hearts. It can be difficult to cultivate a felt sense of the difference between a closed and open heart, especially when you are only beginning to become aware of your habitual closures. You want to learn how to fully express your truth with an o...

  • Wim Hof and Goddess Form Practice

    In this practice, from The Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion 2021, John leads feminine practitioners in a Masculine breath practice similar to the Wim Hof method. Three rounds of this breathing are followed by a 2-Part Breath series. To close the session, John leads an Embodied Goddess Form...